Year 7 Wild Action Incursion

On Thursday 31st October and Friday 1st November the Year 7 students attended the Wild Action’ incursion based around native Australian animals as part of the Ecology unit in the Science curriculum. During the sessions students interacted with many animals, including a wallaby, wombat, pygmy possum, crocodile, green tree frog, snakes and lizards.
Here are the thoughts of some of the students that participated:
“On Friday 1st November a Zoologist named Robbie came to our Science class and showed us all about the animals’ native to Australia. Robbie told us the many different types of animals he had. He had snakes, lizards, echidnas, owls, possums and turtles. Robbie informed us that reptiles have outside heat and mammals have inside heat. He also told us that the turtles shell was its spine. My friends got to hold a turtle and owl, whereas, I, sadly didn’t get to hold any animals due to the time limits. All of the different animals had specific names. The ‘Wild Action’ incursion was really informative”
Madelyn WALKER - Year 7B
“On 1st November, there was an incursion in Kew High School about wildlife for Year 7 students. The Zoologist named Robbie showed us different reptiles and mammals, moreover, he taught us different terms like endothermic and exothermic. Students got to hold different species of Lizards, Snakes, Birds and other animals. I got to hold a Turtle, whereas my friends got to hold an Owl and a Snake. It was the first time I held a reptile and specifically a long-necked Turtle. Robbie even told us the three things that mammals all have; hair, endothermic, and produce milk. The animals he had all had their own names, like a Python named Olivia. It was a wonderful and educational experience.”
Kriti DUBEY - Year 7B
“On November 1st Year 7 students had a ‘Wild Action’ incursion. A Zoologist called Robbie showed and described different animals, as well as their adaptations, which link to our current topic in class this term. We learned about their natural habitat as well as learning whether they were nocturnal, diurnal, reptiles and mammals. There were many different animals such as Owls, Snakes, Long-Necked Turtles and many more. We learned the proper scientific definitions such as diurnal and endothermic. It was a great experience where we got to hold the animals as well as learning their different adaptations, what they eat and their names. We thanked Robbie for helping, teaching and giving us a great time.”
Ira CHAND - Year 7B
Last Friday, November 1 2019, we had a “The Zoo Comes To You” incursion. It was held by Robbie, an informative, fun, animal-loving guy who inspired me and our entire class. As well as being an informative session, we got to see, feel and for some lucky kids hold various different animals. I was honored by being able to hold a frog, but it evidently did not feel the same way when it jumped off about ten seconds after being placed there. We saw and learnt about reptiles, birds, frogs and a special breed of possum that is critically endangered because of climate change. We were engaged, captivated and amazed as animal after animal was brought out to show us. My favorite animal was a giant snake which Sweeney, Lachie and Sophie got to hold. After an exciting session full of crazy animals and a truckload of information, we headed to our next class damped because we would not be having such an exciting session.
James READ - Year 7B