From the Classroom

Grade 2

Jake has been working hard on this outstanding project at home. What an amazing effort he has put in reflecting on his time travelling Australia. Well done Jake! 


Grade 5/6

In Literacy, students have been discovering the language features and text structure in Procedural texts.

Students participated in the Egg Drop Challenge by following a set of instructions to create an armour for their egg. They used a variety of materials to support their egg such as sponges, paper, cardboard, balloons, garbage bags, etc. Students dropped their eggs from the top of the slide. All armours were successful and our eggs remained intact. However, we did have a few fatal incidents in the classroom during the construction phrase of our armour.

In week 3, students followed a procedure to grow their own Herb Garden. We have planted oregano, basil, chives, parsley and cress seeds. We have eagerly been checking on our seeds, and in week 4, we finally had some cress sprouting.  

We have also followed instructions on ‘How to Draw a Shark’ as well as played a variety of card games such as ‘Speed’ and ‘Spit’.

Students listened to the text ‘How to Care For Your Lion’ by Tammi Sauer. They looked closely at the verbs and adverbs that were used in the text and found synonyms for them. Students either imitated or innovated on the text and chose an exotic pet of their own and wrote a guide that included 14 steps. 

Students have been working hard in learning spelling sounds, patterns and rules; understanding the meaning of prefixes and suffixes; as well as the etymology of words.

In Mathematics, students have been exploring Patterns and Algebra as well as Using Units of Measurement. Students attempted the 3 Colour Triangle Patterns and identified Tribonacci numbers. Students have learnt that the conversion between millilitres and litres is either multiplying or dividing by 1000. Students created a vessel that could hold 1 litre with different dimensions. Through this, students could make connections that cubic centimetres match millilitres.

In Geography, we have been working on the continents of the world and their countries. In Science, we have continued on with our unit Survival and Adaptations.  

Work examples


How to Care For Your Giraffe

Okay, I know you wanted a koala, but, what's the next best thing? A giraffe! We have sent some delightful instructions on how to care for this giraffe. Just follow them, you’ll be fine!


  1. Carefully carry the fragile box to the front door. Think about the wonders of having a pet giraffe!
  2. Open the box slowly, don’t scare the animal, it will be frightened and will never return.
  3. Rapidly push the giraffe’s body through the front door, but be careful, it is VERY tall.
  4. Take a peek at the care instructions, you see the first step. Grab a bottle of hoof polish, seat the giraffe on the couch, watching the best music as u scrub the dirt off of its hooves.
  5. Next, give your giraffe a bath in the pool. Make sure the pool water is clean, or else. Use approximately 3 bottles of shampoo, making sure the giraffe is squeaky clean.
  6. Feed your giraffe the finest leaves from your trees in the backyard. They are VERY picky.
  7. DO NOT ride on your giraffe’s back without consent. Instead, clean off the trampoline and leave it be.
  8. Take your giraffe to the shops, they love to be social. Make sure he looks at his best, as he trots into the shops.
  9. While you are at the shops, buy the finest mattress there is. Toss in a warm blanket and do not forget about the soft pillow.
  10. As you arrive home from the long afternoon, set up a cosy bed, using the supplies from the shops.
  11. Begin the giraffe’s night routine. Scrub its teeth, wash its face, pat every five seconds, and so on.
  12. It's time for bed, but your giraffe refuses to lie in the FILTHY bed! Rush around the house, clean the mattress, blanket and pillow.
  13. Tuck in your giraffe, read stories. But your giraffe insists on a midnight snack, and you can't say no to a piece of chocolate.
  14. After the feed, fall asleep in your comfy bed, dream about the next busy day.

Teagan Roberts 


Caring For Your Dragon

CONGRATULATIONS you got a dragon! We know you asked for a lizard but there was none that you wanted. This dragon can change colours and grow in size. Everyone thought you would like it. AND NO RETURNS!!!



  1. Open the extra-large truck and let your dragon out carefully. (Don’t forget to hold onto the lead!)
  2.  Make sure to have a bucket of fish in reach.
  3. Don’t look like a buffalo, deer, snake and definitely not fish.
  4. If you ignored step three, you’re probably being digested inside your dragon.
  5. Order Fish ‘n’ Chips. 
  6. Treat train you dragon (so he knows what to eat).
  7. Give him some playtime! (Give a stick and order 300kg of sand. Let him draw and don’t step on the lines!!!!)
  8. After that play, he’ll be tired, give him nap time.
  9. Give him some treats, he’s been good (make it fish).
  10. After playing, he’ll be very dirty, remember to order a 300ft bath.
  11. Once he’s done bathing, dry him.
  12. Make a comfy bed for him and add a fish scent.
  13. Make him go to bed (remember to lock all doors at night!!).
  14. Snuggle up with him and realise he’s the best pet ever (make sure his pupils are big.)


Giant pupils mean he trusts you!

By Chelsea Kinnane



Attached is a PowerPoint presentation prepared by Sophie B and Tiahana M.




We have been working with clay across all grades in Art this week. Grade 5 nailing their coiling, techniques, creating press mould bowls and miniature owls with Ms Ulhendorf.