Garden and Environment

Garden and Environment News


On Monday 8 August, we welcomed Rowville Primary School’s youngest new enrolments - 6 baby chicks!


The chicks are a Sussex variety, originating in the U.K. from the time of Roman rule. Students have been investigating the three varieties of our chicks - Sussex Light, Sussex Buff and Sussex Speckled. They have been observing the rapid changes in size and looks over the first week and noticing their unique personalities. 


All students have had input into naming suggestions and a special draw was held at assembly last week. Students and staff have since been reflecting and talking about names. We have been discussing feelings around cute names, humorous names and names that reflect meaning connected to personality, place, or tribute to a significant figure. We will settle on a final six names when all classes have had experience handling the chicks this week. 


At this week’s check in, our Light Sussex chick has gained 64 grams in 7 days!! No wonder they eat so much ‘starter crumble’.


Special thanks to the families and staff who have kindly agreed to care for our babies indoors, under a heat lamp at the weekends, until they are fully feathered and able to move into their lovely Hen House. Please email me if you feel you could offer indoor weekend care for our chicks during this early phase.


Please enjoy our students’ impressions of the chicks and some great photos.



Kate Newman, Garden/Environment Teacher

Belinda Williams, Horticulturist