From the Principal's Office

Mr Chad Harris

Welcome back to the start of Term 3.  I hope that you and your family have managed to stay safe during the recent floods and have had time to recharge your batteries.


3 Way Conferences

Teachers have been meeting with parents and students during the week to establish individual learning and social goals for Semester 2.  This process is a new one for the school and is proving to be a valuable opportunity to share the “where to next” for each student.  If you have not booked in to meet, can I please encourage you to reach out to the class teacher.


Education Week

We will be holding our Education Week celebration in Week 4.  A full list of activities for the week will be available on Tuesday of next week.  Please come along and help us to celebrate the learning at Woodland Road.



Education for your child is important and regular attendance at school is essential for your child to achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options. NSW public schools work in partnership with parents to encourage and support regular attendance of children and young people. When your child attends school every day, learning becomes easier and your child will build and maintain friendships with other children.


What are my Legal responsibilities?

Education in New South Wales is compulsory for all children between the ages of six years and below the minimum school leaving age of 17 years. The Education Act 1990 requires that parents ensure their children of compulsory school age are enrolled at, and regularly attend school, or, are registered with the NSW Education and Standards Authority for home schooling. Once enrolled, children are required to attend school each day it is open for students.


The Importance of arriving on time.

Arriving at school and class on time:

ظ Ensures that students do not miss out on important learning activities scheduled 

early in the day

ظ  Helps students learn the importance of punctuality and routine

ظ  Give students time to greet their friends before class

ظ  Reduces classroom disruption

ظLateness is recorded as a partial absence and must be explained by parents.


What if my child has to be away from school?

On occasion, your child may need to be absent from school. Justified reasons for student absences may include:

ظ  being sick, or having an infectious disease

ظ  having an unavoidable medical appointment

ظ  being required to attend a recognised religious holiday

ظ  exceptional or urgent family circumstance (e.g. attending a funeral)