Sport Captain

Jemma Keefe

Jemma Keefe
Jemma Keefe

This is an exciting term for sport with Basketball, Soccer, Touch, and Rugby teams competing in the CaSSSA competition and with CaSSSA Athletics taking place in just over two weeks on 15 August. This term also happens to be when most fall sick, so remember to let the Sports Office know when you're away so teams can work out their positions and coaches know how many to expect at training. 


This term we are offering Speed Squad on a Wednesday morning and Throws/Jumps training on a Thursday afternoon. Additionally, bootcamp is still running and, remember, Swim Fit will be back up and running in Term 4. So, if you are looking for something to do, be sure to come and try one of those activities out – it’s never too late to start! Visit the Sport Office or contact me if you're keen to be involved.