Whole School

School Council Bursaries for 2023
Application Details
School Council Bursaries offer financial assistance to existing school families who support the values of John Wollaston Anglican Community School (the School). They also provide educational opportunities for students who are in good standing, who would not otherwise be able to remain at the School for financial or family reasons.
The following conditions apply:
Students must be attending the School at the time of application.
Students must be in Good Standing (excellent attendance, comply with all School Rules and maintain a satisfactory academic record).
Eligible students can apply each year. This includes students who have been the recipient of a School Council Bursary in a previous year.
The successful recipients will each receive one (1) semester’s tuition fees.
The names of School Council Bursary recipients will be kept confidential.
Bursaries are available to current students entering Years 5 and 6, and Years 7 to 12 in 2023.
Application Criteria For Students Entering Years 5 and 6 in 2023
Students are required to write a one-page essay in their own words on:
What I enjoy most about being a member of the John Wollaston school community.
Applications should:
Include a cover page with the heading School Council Bursary 2023, the student’s name and year level.
Be no more than one (1) A4 page typed using 11pt Arial.
Be marked Attention: To the Principal, Ms Anne Ford and emailed to the Community Engagement Department at communityengagement@jwacs.wa.edu.au
Submissions should include a copy of the student’s 2021 Semester 2 Academic Report and 2022 Semester 1 Academic Report plus a dot point list of co-curricular activities they have participated in (sports, music, service etc.), awards they have earned and positions they have held. Copies of awards are not required in the submission.
The student should be in good standing.
Applications should be submitted by 4:00pm, Wednesday 31 August 2022.
Application Criteria For Students Entering Years 7 to 12 in 2023
The John Wollaston Anglican Community School Mission is:
We enable our students to discover their passion and direction in life and make a positive contribution in the world.
Reflecting on our Mission, eligible students are invited to apply for a School Council Bursary by writing an essay in their own words, identifying ways in which John Wollaston Anglican Community School is helping them to reach their potential and what they plan to do when they leave school.
Applications should:
Include a cover page with the heading School Council Bursary 2023, the student’s name and year level.
Be no more than two (2) A4 pages typed using 11pt Arial.
Be marked Attention: To the Principal, Ms Anne Ford and emailed to Evie Dodge, Community Engagement Officer at communityengagement@jwacs.wa.edu.au
Submissions should include a copy of the student’s 2021 Semester 2 Academic Report and 2022 Semester 1 Academic Report plus a dot point list of co-curricular activities they have participated in (sports, music, service etc.), awards they have earned and positions they have held. Copies of awards are not required in the submission.
The student should be in good standing.
Applications should be submitted by 4:00pm, Wednesday 31 August 2022.
2022 Playgroup
Wonder Recycling Rewards for Schools
Our school is teaming up with Wonder Recycling Rewards to help reduce soft plastic waste in our environment and earn new sports equipment for our school. We are collecting bread bags until the end of Term 3.
We are calling on all students, parents and staff to start collecting bread bags and placing them in the collection bins at the ELC, Primary or Students Services Receptions. Any bag that has held bread is recyclable and will help the School earn points to redeem on new sports equipment.
Wollaston Care
John Wollaston with the support of the Parents and Friends Association offers Wollaston Care, a program to help school families who may need some extra support. We have a number of free meals available to help support families when they need it most.
If you would like to request support please email wollastoncare@jwacs.wa.edu.au and Wollaston Care Coordinator, Wendy Brinner will contact you to see how we can help. All requests for support are treated confidentially and with no obligation.