Friday 5 August
School Athletics Carnival
Friday 12 August
Student FREE Day - Staff Professional Development Day
Tuesday 30 August
Unit 2 English SAC: Comparative Text Response
Unit 4 English Revision - Guest Speaker
Wednesday 31 August
3 Way Conferences
Thursday 1 September
Unit 4 English/English Language SAC
Wednesday 7 September
GAT (All students completing a Unit 3/4 subject must complete this test on the set date)
Friday 16 September
End of Term 3 - 2.30 pm FINISH
VCE Outdoor & Environmental Studies Snow Camp
Monday 25 to 28 July
The 4 day snow camp was a wonderful opportunity for students to experience two Victorian alpine environments - Mount Stirling and Mt Buller and to participate in a range of FUN snow sport activities.
VCAA Exam Timetable
It is that time of year when students should be starting to revise in preparation for the end of year exams.
It is a good idea to start doing some practice exams as well. Please speak to your teacher about access to these.
Mindful Mornings
A great way to start the day in a positive frame of mind is to complete a mindfulness or meditation practice.
These sessions will be running twice a week in the warm cozy Supper Room from 8.15 am onwards. Students should spend 5-10 minutes setting themselves up for a great day.
Students can keep an eye out for more information on Google Classroom or pop in and chat to the Coordinators.
Unexplained Absences on Compass
Any absences from school must be parent/carer approved. You can do this through a signed note or by entering a Parent Approval on Compass. You can also use Compass to view your student’s past absences.
A reminder that students are not permitted to leave school during the school day unless they do not have any other scheduled classes. If students are leaving school early or arriving late, it must be approved by a parent /carer.
VCE SAC Rescheduling
Students will not be able to reschedule a SAC unless they have a medical certificate or it is a school-approved absence.
If there are extenuating circumstances, please let us know and we will make a decision based on the VCAA guidelines.
Keeping Warm / Carpark
With the colder weather it is still important that Senior School students are being a role model for our younger students, by wearing the correct school uniform.
Students are not permitted to wear hoodies under their uniform or non-uniform jackets. They they are welcome to wear other layers that are not visible to keep warm.
During recess and lunch, the Supper Room and Library are open to all Senior School students so please come in, stay dry and keep warm!
A reminder that the CARPARK is an out of bounds area during the school day, so please avoid going to your/a friend’s car during this time.
If you are driving to school, please let the VCE Coordinators know. In addition, before giving a friend a lift, please ensure that the VCE Coordinators have received permission from that person's parents/carers.
Cancelled Classes
A reminder that unfortunately, at times VCE classes will be cancelled if a trained VCE replacement teacher cannot be found.
Students are expected to be working on tasks left by the teacher in the Library. They are not permitted to leave the school and return if they have classes scheduled later in the day, and must stay at school until all scheduled classes are complete.
VCE Coordinators