Around the Classrooms

The 1/2s have had an amazing third term of learning so far!


This term the 1/2s have continued to work hard in InitiaLit. The Year One students have learned about the power of adjectives and used their adjective power to make their writing more interesting. The Year Twos have been exploring text types, focusing on persuasive texts and the difference between fact and opinion. They have used this information to make some wonderful persuasive texts!


In Writing the students have been exploring Narrative writing. Through this unit, we have explored classic fairy tales and the elements that make them entertaining such as a problem and a solution. The students have used their new Narrative writing skills to write amazing stories for the CBCA Book Week writing competition on the theme ‘Dreaming’. We have also learned how to combine two or three short sentences using joining words to make our writing flow. 


Through our Inquiry unit titled “Creativity” students have enjoyed learning about dance, music and drama. This unit has given students the opportunity to use instruments, puppets, singing and writing to show their talents and creativity. We have explored the book Wombat Stew and used this story to create songs, plays, puppet shows and dances! We have also learned all about the tale of 'Alice in Wonderland' and danced our hearts out to prepare for what I’m sure will be an amazing school play at the end of Term! Prepare to be very proud as we have a lot of talent in 1/2! 


Our Religion unit this term has further explored the topic of Creativity, by asking ourselves how we can use the gifts God has given us to help others. This was done by reflecting on our gifts whether this is singing, dancing, drawing, writing, sports and much more. Asking ourselves how these skills can be used to give and bring joy to others. We also learned about the Assumption of Mary, making the wonderful Mary colourings seen below to keep on our Prayer Table this week.  


Finally, our Maths units this term have explored shape and pattern. The students have had a lot of fun learning about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. Through this topic, we were able to learn about sides, faces, corners and edges, as well as how these shapes can be found in the world around us. In our Pattern unit, we have learned how to identify and continue patterns made by numbers and shapes. We teamed up with the Preps to find objects in nature we could use to make the amazing pattern posters you see below!

 I look forward to continuing this learning journey with the Year One and Two students next Term!


 Angela Rush