From the Acting Principal
In the last week of this term, student reports will be released via Compass. Teachers have spent many hours writing these reports to provide parents and guardians with an understanding of how their child is progressing against a number of curriculum areas that have been taught in Semester 1. This year for the first time, we have introduced Effort and Behaviour scales against various learning areas. Specialist teachers have always provided an Effort mark but this year we will separate Behaviour from the Effort Scale. Classroom teachers will provide an Effort mark in English and Mathematics, while a Behaviour Scale will be indicative of classroom behaviour as part of our Personal and Social /Attitudes and Behaviour Page.
The introduction of Effort scales in English and Mathematics I believe complements our school philosophy around acknowledging Effort or Accomplishment as part of our Positive Education-PERMA model. Over the last few weeks, Michelle and I have been undertaking a number of group tours for parents who are interested in looking at our school for their own children. Here we talk o the value we place on developing a Growth Mindset and the idea of You haven’t mastered this Yet! In Friday assemblies, we regularly see students being recognised for the Character strength of Perseverance-persisting towards their goals despite obstacles, discouragement or disappointments.
A reminder to any existing families to please ensure they have completed and returned an enrolment form if they intend for their child to start Foundation at Oakleigh PS next year. This year the Department has introduced a timeline across the state as part of the Enrolment process. This includes a closing date for accepting Foundation enrolments. This uniform closing date means that schools can then determine the number of in zone enrolments they have, which in turn helps Michele plan how many Foundation grades we can support and offer next year, which in turn will then determine the number of out of zone applications we can accommodate. Enrolment forms can be collected from the Office.
Foundation applications for 2024 close on Friday, 28th July, 2023.
Notifications will be sent out on 11th August, 2023.
If you know of any other families who may be interested in sending their child/ren to OPS, please encourage them to attend one of our tours and collect an Information Pack. Further information is also available on the school website.
It has been lovely to have a variety of music performances from various grade levels at our Friday assemblies. Just a reminder to all families that any images that capture students other than your own child cannot be shared on any social media platforms.
Further information around Photographing, Filming and Recording Students can be found on our Policy page on our website Policies — Oakleigh Primary School & Kindergarten ( .
We would like to wish Elani well as she sets off tomorrow to Japan as part of a 6 week STUDY TOUR. We look forward to the regular updates she anticipates making with our students whilst she is away.
As this will be the last school newsletter for the term, I would like to extend a huge thank you and congratulations to Michelle Di Giovanni for the outstanding job she has done stepping into the Acting Assistant Principal role this term. She has definitely modelled to the whole school community how to embrace and take charge of change that she first talked to six weeks ago.
Bronwyn Orr
Acting Principal