From the Principal

Mrs Belinda Burton 


Week 10 Newsletter


Thank you for your support throughout the term.

I hope everyone enjoys the break, and recharges the batteries ready for Term 3.

School returns on Monday 17th July 2023. 

RETURN TO SCHOOL Monday 17th July Term 3

 St Mary’s Primary School and O’Connor Catholic College return to school on the 17th July. All state schools return on the 18th.


Buses will operate on Monday the 17th, however please be advised bus times may be early  due to less students and stops on the morning. Please be ready 10 minutes earlier.

In the afternoon, the buses will only go to St Marys and O’Connor.  All Edwards buses will be early and have completed pickups by 3.35pm. Edwards Bus Company expect drop off times to be earlier than normal. Afternoon drop off will be up to 20 minutes earlier in the afternoon at home.


There will be one exception S332 (483) will arrive at O’Connor at its normal time of 3.53pm.


Semester 1 reports were posted on Compass last Thursday. Please contact the School Office if you have had any problems viewing your child's report. 


A date has been set for our Term 3, Staff RE PD Day.  It is Monday 28th August.  This will be a Pupil Free Day. The staff will all be off site, the school will be closed for the day. 

Please put this date in your calendar and make arrangements for your child/children. 

Mini Vinnies - SDVP Winter Appeal Care Package Items

Thank you for supporting the Winter Appeal, sending in a donation for a care packs for those women in need this Winter. The donations have been delivered to SVDP for distribution.  On our own we can make a small difference, but together we can make an enormous difference. 


Congratulations to the children who raised $660 through the Pyjama Day! Enough to purchase SIX Backpack Beds for the homeless. What a difference we have made to the lives of six people who are homeless this Winter. 

SAVE THE DATE FRIDAY 25TH AUGUST Book Week Parade & Grandparents Day

Friday 25th August. 

9am - Mass  in the Cathedral,     

10am - Classroom visits,    

10:45am - Morning Tea

11:15am - Book Parade,    

12:00pm - Percussion, String, Band Perform 

12:30pm - Choirs Perform


Term 2 School Fees are overdue.

Please ensure your fees are paid today - end of term. 

Please call Mrs Judi Hansen if you are unable to pay your fees. 


Parents please ensure your child only brings WATER to school in their Water Bottles.

Students are NOT to bring SPORT DRINKS to school at anytime.

Students are not to bring hot drinks to school eg Hot Chocolate, Coffee or Tea.

This is for Safety & Health reasons. 

Parent Messages for Students during the Day

Please make sure where possible you phone the school by 2pm with any messages for students to be given before home time.  This would be greatly appreciated so we have minimal interruptions in class time. 

Term 2 Meeting SAC Meeting 

Thank you to the committee members for taking part in the School Advisory Council Meeting on Monday evening. Your support is very much appreciated. The next meeting will be in Week 8 Term 3. 

P & F

Thank you to the P & F for organising the end of Term Sausage Sizzle today. A lovely way to gather as a community and finish off Term 2. 


Term 3 save the dates for:

Sunday 6th August Lamington & Pie Drive orders close 

Friday 11th August Lamington and Pie Drive Collection Day

Saturday 12th August - Trivia Evening 

Fete 2023 Date to be Set

NAIDOC Week 2-9 July 2023

We will celebrate NAIDOC week when we return in Term 3.

Mrs Stahlhut & Miss Widders are planning events for NAIDOC when we return in Term 3.

NAIDOC week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It is celebrated by all Australians and is a great opportunity to recognise and learn more about the history and culture of indigenous communities.

NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. Its origins can be traced back to the Aboriginal rights movement, when on Australia Day 1938, protestors marched through the streets of Sydney to highlight the status and treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. 


Today, it is a week-long celebration held in July that consists of range of traditional and contemporary activities.


NAIDOC Week is an important event that helps build positive relationships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. It enables a deeper understanding of our differences and similarities. 


NAIDOC week is an opportunity for all Australians to eliminate bias and discrimination by reflecting and reconciling the wrongs of the past to facilitate hope and build a fairer future. Families are encouraged to join in and support young people in learning the significance of NAIDOC Week.





NAIDOC week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It is celebrated by all Australians and is a great opportunity to recognise and learn more about the history and culture of indigenous communities.


NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. Its origins can be traced back to the Aboriginal rights movement, when on Australia Day 1938, protestors marched through the streets of Sydney to highlight the status and treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. Today, it is a week-long celebration held in July that consists of range of traditional and contemporary activities.


NAIDOC Week is an important event that helps build positive relationships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. It enables a deeper understanding of our differences and similarities. 


NAIDOC week is an opportunity for all Australians to eliminate bias and discrimination by reflecting and reconciling the wrongs of the past to facilitate hope and build a fairer future. Families are encouraged to join in and support young people in learning the significance of NAIDOC Week.


This Special Report offers suggestions on how families can celebrate NAIDOC Week together. We hope you take a moment to reflect on the information offered, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please seek medical or professional help.


Here is the link to your special report:



Let's Hang It Art Competition - Friday 28th July 6pm

Congratulations to Pippi Hoy.  Infants: Pippi Hoy, Year 2, ‘Mum’, watercolour

The opening of the 2023 University of New England School Acquisitive Art Prize (UNESAP) Let’s Hang It! exhibition will be held at 6pm on Friday 28 July 2023 at the New England Regional Art Museum (NERAM) in Armidale and the exhibition will be on display until Sunday 13 August 2023.

Real Talk Parent Information Sessions

Later in the year our Year 4 and 6 students will participate in the Real Talk program. Real Talk is all about getting real on the topics of relationships and personal identity. Based on Christian values and using personal sharing from a team of dynamic presenters, Real Talk provides presentations, programs and up-to-date resources and want all young people to know their true value, worth and dignity and to experience love for all it was created to be.


This year the Real Talk team will also be providing an online Parent Night Session.

More information is included in the flyer below.

Please remember two wonderful opportunities to support our parent community.

1) All parents receive FREE access to Real Talk’s Parent Membership Site! 

This resource is valued at $49 per family!

2) Parents and Caregivers Online Sessions

Tuesday 27 June: 6pm-7:30pm

Zoom Meeting ID: 534 935 0161 


and Monday 6 Nov - details tbc



School expectations

  1. Term 3 Winter Uniform
  2. Clean tidy hair.  Hair that is long must be tied back (general rule if it touches your shirt collar) 
  3. Uniforms are to be worn correctly and appropriately daily (if circumstances prevent this communication with your teacher is required). 
  4. General rule is no jewellery except for: watch, earrings studs or sleepers
  5. No fingernail polish
  6. No writing or drawing on self - arms, legs, hands
  7. No writing or drawing on school hats
  8. No chewing gum at school
  9. All children are to speak politely and have outstanding manners
  10. Swearing at school is not appropriate
  11. No hands or feet. Students do not use hands or feet to hurt others.
  12. Respect school and others property

Absences, Illness & Notifications

It is that time of year - cold and flu season plus COVID-19! Please let the school know if your child has tested positive to COVID so we can alert our families of COVID in the school.  

Parents please let the school know the reason for your child's absence by responding to the SMS or by contacting the school by phone, 67724441 or email 


Government legislation states, notification of your child's absence must be received no later than 7 days after your child's last day of absence. 

School Hours

8:20am Doors Open & Student Supervision begins.

8:50am Classes start.

Students who arrive after 8:50 am will need to be signed in by Parents at the Front Office, if this doesn't occur parents will receive an unexplained notification for late attendance.

Thank you for signing your child in if they are late as this ensures our attendance records are accurate. 

10:50am-11:30am First Break

1:30am-2:10pm Second Break

3:10pm Classes end

3:15pm Buses are loaded

3.10-3.20pm Pick up top gate Dangar Street

3:15-3:30pm Pick up Rusden Street. 


All students are to be collected by 3:30pm.

After School Care is available for families from 3:10-6pm on site at school.

School Office Hours

The School Office hours are 8:20am - 4pm Monday- Friday.