Learning in Foundation Lacriarde

Term 2

This term has been a busy, fun filled and exciting time for all Foundation students. We explored many concepts and learnt about many new things. Students have now developed a strong sense of belonging at their school and enjoy spending time with each other and learning together. Look at these happy and funny faces!

This term, we have been learning about The Holy Trinity. We learnt about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Students also explored the story of Pentecost Sunday and how the Holy Spirit came to Jesus' disciples.  

In Literacy, we have expanded on writing, learning how to construct more complex sentences using nouns and verbs. We have been using the sentence structure of:

'who', 'what doing', 'what' and 'where' - with the support of our colourful semantics program. Students have been doing such an amazing job constructing these sentences, we are blown away with their progress. 

In maths this term, we explored many concepts. The one concept that students really enjoyed was 'Data'. Students were asked to think of questions that they could survey their classmates with, collect data using tally marks and display their data on picture graphs. Students enjoyed taking part in this process and developed great skills. 

Finally, in art, we celebrated the Coronation of King Charles III by making our own crowns!

An action packed and exciting Term 2 for all. Have a wonderful winter break! 

Foundation L