In the first week of Term 2 we learnt about ANZAC Day.

Look what we now know about this very important event:

-Anzac Day is commemorated on April 25th every year.

-The Anzacs fought against the Ottoman empire (now Turkey) in Gallipoli in World War 1.

-ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.

-Poppies were one of the first flowers to grow on battlefields like Flanders Field.

-The ANZACs fought in other wars like the Vietnam War.

-We have 1 minute of silence.


We painted some ANZAC artwork and we made paper poppies and hung them on the wall. 

-By David, Lia and Jason


What did we think?

We thought it was really fun because all of the elderly were so nice and caring. We thought of how lucky they were because they may not have grandchildren or kids.

All of them were quite thoughtful and caring.

How did we feel?

We were really excited to go there because they are always kind. We felt really lucky to have been able to go to the staffroom to see them because a lot of people don't get that opportunity.

What did we do?

We watched a video about a man who really, really liked chocolate cake. He was very funny. We made a memory quilt there. We all had to write about, and draw, a special memory. We played a card game that was like a memory game and in the end whoever had the most matches won. Mary was one of the ladies on our table and she was very quiet, but really sweet. We hope we get to visit our new friends again soon!

-By Adele, Kasper and Shanaya


We went to a musical called Seussical the Musical at Nazareth College. It was a great experience. Sadly, only grade 4s could go. Ashton enjoyed the part where everyone was singing and it was a wonderful time. Co’s favourite part was when Horton the elephant kept singing ‘a person’s a person no matter how small’. I have to admit, it was funny. Aarush’s favourite part was when the huge hat on stage was moving by itself. I mean how did it move by itself? We loved the show and highly recommend it!

-By Co, Aarush and Ashton


Earlier this term, we participated in the school FUN RUN! We ran 3 laps (about 2 kilometres) and then we had a BIG break and drank plenty of water. After our races, we watched the other races and cheered everyone on! Someone in our class even came in 4th place, but sadly just missed out on going to District. The thing that we loved about the Fun Run was that everybody crossed the finish line!

-By Olivia, Khushman and Noah


We have helped our buddies by being good role models. We can show respect to our buddies by teaching them how to listen in church. At Mass, we ask our buddies to be responsible and polite. We have shown maturity to our buddies because they are younger than us and they need more comfort and support. We like buddy time because we can learn from them and they can learn from us.

-By Ella, Hayden T and Caitlyn


We wrote about landscapes in writing. The biomes we could write about were the beach/coast, the rainforest, the desert (outback), snowfields/mountains and bushlands/national parks! Our pieces of writing will go on to a display for the celebration of learning on the 20/06/23 and 21/06/23. Our families will see this descriptive writing on these days and we will show off our knowledge! -Angela

We learnt how to improve our writing. We used punctuation, capital letters, strong adjectives, conjunctions, similes and adverbs! I enjoyed making a background for my descriptive text. -Tara

It was the best writing I have ever done, it was very easy. I had to write it, make a good copy on coloured paper and create a border with a title. -Jayden M

-By Tara, Angela and Jayden M


In our Maths unit on location, we created our own maps! We looked at a lot of examples of maps to get some ideas. We had to name the maps we created of a zoo, theme park or playground. We learnt that a good map has grid coordinates, a scale and a legend/key. We enjoyed colouring the maps because we added bright colours to make them look realistic. 

-By Zehra, Hayden N and Jayden V


Almost every morning, we gather as a class for morning prayer. Each prayer has a different focus. We celebrated Jesus’ resurrection at the beginning of Term 2 and we finished our Holy Week booklets. We have learnt about Reconciliation and we looked at this slideshow called “Road to Reconciliation.” Another thing that we have done in prayer time is learning about National Sorry Day. We learnt that some Indigenous children were taken away from their families (Stolen Generation). Sometimes we share the prayers that we have written ourselves from our class book. Prayer time is a great opportunity for us to listen and talk to Jesus. 

-By Zahra, Tim and Mia