Busy Learning Bees in 1/2B

In 1/2B this term we have been busy learning lots of amazing things and doing lots of fantastic work. Through our Inquiry unit this term we have been looking at different landscapes and their features. These included urban, rural and beach landscapes. In Literacy last week we read the story 'To the Top End: A trip across Australia'.  After reading this we created our own drawings of some of the landscapes that were shown in the book. Then we labeled the natural and man-made features that we could see.

In maths last week we were learning about Multiplication. We did this through using lots of contrete materials to make equal groups of objects and creating arrays to answer various problems. 

Through our Religion lessons over the past couple of week we have been learning about Baptism. Initially we looked at Baptism's today (including photos of our own) and discussed the symbols we could see and what they represent. Then we moved on to learning about Jesus' Baptism and here are some our recounts of this scripture passage.

Finally in Inquiry we extended our knowledge and began to learn about places in Australia. Specifically focusing on locating the states and teritories on the map.