Dates to Remember 

2023  I m p o r t a n t    D a t e s 


  • Friday 23rd June - 3-4C Mass 9am 
  • Friday 23rd-Term Two Concludes - 2.30pm Finish


  • Saturday 2nd - Br Jessington's  Diaconate at 5:30pm Parish Mass followed by Light Refreshments in the Felix Gavin Room (See Parish Newsletter)
  • Monday 10th -Term 3 commences 8:45am 
  • Tuesday July 11th - Friday July 14th- Year 6  Camp (Phillip Island Adventure Camp)
  • Wednesday July 12th - Parent Helper Information Session8:50am- 10am  in Staffroom
  • Wednesday July 12th - Year 5 students attending Matinee of Mazenod and Avila Production  Freaky Friday at  Alexander Theatre - Clayton
  • Friday 14th - 3/4 O Mass
  • Tuesday 18th - 10am or 7pm First Eucharist Information session. (See Parish Newsletter)
  • Friday 21st - 1/2 DS Mass
  • Friday 21st -  Grade 4 Camp Meeting 2:30pm in Performing Arts Area
  • Monday 24th - School Closure Day - Staff PL Science of Reading
  • Wednesday 26th - Foundation '100 Days of School' Celebration 
  • Friday 28th - 3/4 N Mass
  • Friday 28th -1/2 Excursion TwistED Science
  • Saturday 29th -  P/F Bunnings BBQ 
  • Monday 31st - SJV School Feast Day Celebration - KABOOOM incursion 


  • Wednesday August 2nd  - Friday August 4th  Year 4 Camp Sovereign Hill - Ballarat
  • Friday 4thSt John Vianney's Feast Day 
  • Friday 4th - First Eucharist Enrolments close (See Parish Newsletter)
  • Friday 4th - 1/2 SM Mass 
  • Saturday 12th - St John Vianney's Feast Day - Dinner Dance (organised by Parish)  - Parish  Hall 
  • Friday 25th- 1/2 B Mass

School Closure Days

  • Monday 24th July
  • Monday 2nd October - 1st day of Term 4 
  • Friday 20th October 
  • Monday 6th November

End of School Year

  • Friday 15th December