Principal's Report

Carly Avery

Dear Parents/Guardians


Reports/ PT Interviews

Semester One reports will be available to access by the end of the week. Please contact the office if you need a hard copy. 

Parent-Teacher Interviews are scheduled for Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th of July to discuss reports and set semester two goals.


Learning Walk

Thank you to all who attended the learning walk and learning expo. I know the students really appreciated having the opportunity to show off their hard work and I really hope you enjoyed your visit.



Congratulations to Olivia, Millie, and Adara who made their Sacrament of Confirmation/Eucharist over the weekend. Thank you to Markeeta Green for her work in organising and preparing the students for this milestone. Also, a thank you goes to Trish Shaw, Pete Humphreys, and Linda Murcutt for their contribution.


Regional Cross Country

Congratulations also to Olivia and Millie as well as Mady, who competed at the Regional Cross Country in Benalla. It is a fantastic effort to make it to that level. Millie and Olivia have qualified to compete at the state level next term. Good luck!


End of Term finishing time

Don’t forget it is a 2:15 finish this Friday. Have a great break, stay warm and we look forward to seeing you all next term. 



Michael Kearton


Thank you to everyone who attended our Morning Tea to raise money in the fight against Cancer. Lots of Mums, dads, and Parishioners attended and were well looked after by our "Mary and Brigid Social Justice Group". We do not have a final figure for how much we raised but it is in the vicinity of $500 which is fabulous! 


The winners of our raffle were -

1st Prize: Maria and Peter Jozic (Parishioners)

2nd Prize: Lourdes Lucani (Parishioner)

3rd Prize: Mady Shallue (student at St. Joseph's)


We hope they all enjoy High Tea at the "Moments and Memories" Tea Rooms in Beechworth.

Thank you to Lyn Oswald for her generous donation of vouchers.


Linda and Irene and the Mary and Brigid Group.