Principal's Message

Mrs. Cassie Lynch

Principal's Report

Dear Families & Carers,


At the end of the term, reports for Semester 1 were sent home with families. We are now offering Parent/Teacher Interviews to all families as a way to discuss this report and the ways we can work together to improve educational outcomes for your child.  We will be holding Parent/Teacher Interviews in Week 4. 


We will again be using an electronic platform to book our meetings in. Please click the link below to book;


Further information on how to book can be found on the next page.


Mrs. Walsh is currently off on an exciting adventure, travelling around various places including India, England and Japan. Mrs. & Mr. Walsh are having a lovely time! In the interim, Mr. David Capper is in the Grade 3/4 room. From all reports, the children are enjoying Mr. Capper's company. 


Mr. Greg Young has extended his sick leave and will be away for Term 3. Our thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Young during this time. We are incredibly thankful for Mrs. Clare Kirby who has stepped into the Physical Education space. From all accounts, the children are having an amazing time with Mrs. Kirby. For the first three weeks of Term 3, Mr. David Capper will be working in the 3/4 room. Once Mrs. Walsh returns, it is anticipated that she will be working in the classroom on the Friday. This ensures educational continuity for our students which we are all incredibly grateful for. 


This week we welcome Mrs. Kristy Eames to the Our Lady's staff team. Kristy will be working as a learning support officer in the Foundation room. Please make her feel welcome. 


On other news, we have been hearing some amazing feedback about TheirCare and the recent vacation care they offered for the holidays. TheirCare is our new Out of Hours School Care provider and they are proving to be a hit with children and parents. Thank you for supporting the newest addition to our school!! If you would like to find out more about OHSC, please see further information in the newsletter including an announcement about changes with the child care subsidy. 


In closing, with the wet weather continuing, we are running low on spare uniforms. We are currently asking students not to play on the oval and to keep out of the mud but accidents happen. If we have sent your child home in spare clothes, we do ask that you wash and return them (other than the underwear in the case of an accident!) 





Cassie Lynch