Digital Tech with Mr Davison & Visual Arts with Mrs Carmichael
Digital Tech with Mr Davison & Visual Arts with Mrs Carmichael
The Digital Technologies curriculum at St Josephs consists of two important parts:
Our goal is to develop our students' digital skills and problem-solving abilities. These skills are important for their future success in a digital world. If you have any questions about what your child is learning please come and talk to me or give me a call.
Jerrod Davison
Binary Bracelet Photos - Names or initials in binary (Ones and Zeros)
Visual Arts
This term students across the school were introduced to Australian artist, Pete Cromer who is famous for his love of nature and animals, specifically birds. To begin learning about who Pete was, students were presented with an image of him in his art attire and inferred what they thought they knew. All ideas were written up and before watching a short clip - if there were any new facts they were recorded and if there were things that inferred correctly a big tick was put next to it!
Students in Foundation to Year 2 used warm and cool colours to create colourful Comer inspired birds.
Students in Year 3 and 4 were challenged to recreate or create a version of Pete Cromer bird that they studied. Each design was individual and colourful - just like a Cromer creation!
Students in Year 5 and 6 were given the additional challenge of design and asked to recreate or create a version of Pete Cromer bird that they studied in digital form! Using keynote, students were given the opportunity to use elements within the keynote platform to produce a Cromer inspired piece. This learning experience allowed children to explore, investigate and produce something truly original.
We have also been extremely lucky to work with Sarah Makepeace this week. Sarah shared a mural with us that she has been working on - telling us the story of the piece, special features that were included and how she painted such a BIG mural! In addition, Sarah created a sheet of symbols that we would see in traditional Aboriginal art and taught us how we could use them in the pieces we created during our session. Thank you for spending the day with us Sarah - we loved having you with us!