Project Compassion

As you know, at the end of last term, we had the Coin Line and Friendship Day to raise money for Project Compassion. We are extremely proud to announce that, thanks to your kindness and generosity, we raised $1,235.50. It was fantastic to see everyone having fun for a good cause.


Thank you,

Social Justice Captains




‘Shine the Light on Social Justice’ Day

On the last day of Term Two (23rd June), we are having a Shine the Light on Social Justice Day. On this day, we will be raising money for Vinnies Winter Appeal. The funds raised from the Winter Appeal will help provide emergency assistance to people at risk and experiencing homelessness. 


This year, we will be seeking monetary donations. With a gold coin donation  to wear casual clothes,we will be raising awareness about homelessness. Financial donations allow the flexibility for St Vincent de Pauld to direct funds where they are most needed and can give those who need assistance a sense of dignity and joy. This semester, students explored the Catholic Social Teaching principles of ‘Solidarity’ and ‘Dignity of the Human Person’. To build on this learning, the students will be encouraged to take action to become empathetic global and local citizens. We will start the day in the Hall with a presentation, and we will conclude the day with a reflective liturgy run by our Social Justice Captains and Mini Vinnies. The liturgy will take place in the Church after recess at 11:40am, and parents are invited to join us.


St Agnes’ Big Sit Out

Usually at this time of year, Vinnies runs ‘The Big Sleep Out’, where people experience sleeping outside at night. At St Agnes’, our students will participate in an adapted activity, which will allow them to experience some of the feelings and impacts associated with homelessness in a safe, familiar environment. 


Our Social Justice Captains have designed and will run the St Agnes’ Big Sit Out, where students will experience sitting out on cardboard at recess. This activity is designed to promote empathy and is a symbol of solidarity. The Big Sit Out is open to all students, but is not compulsory. Those participating students will need to bring their own cardboard to sit on and wiseek sponsorship for every ten minutes of sitting outside. The sponsorship forms will be sent home this week.



Thank you for your support,

Social Justice Captains & Mini Vinnies

Aggie Gorski - Religious Education Leader