
eSmart Update

The new school year has kicked off, and eSmart is up and running around the school. Students got the chance to dive into fun activities and discussions around internet safety last week for Safer Internet Day! It was a great chance to discuss and learn more about the ways we can engage with the online world, and very timely too. We hope to share some of the fantastic work our students created with you in our next newsletter issue.


One of the most frequent questions we receive asks: how we can set screen time limits and parental controls on students iPads? The following resources provide written and video guides on how to enable these useful tools on your child's iPad, and customise for your own families' schedule and habits.



When setting time limits or availability for specific apps, we ask that Year Level and Whole School apps (such as Seesaw, Safari etc.) remain available for access during school hours. We hope these resources will prove to be both informative and useful for your family. 🙂


Thank you to the many families that have already taken time to complete our 2021 eSmart Parent Survey. If you haven't had the chance yet, this short, anonymous survey takes approximately 5 minutes to complete and will help us to provide you with relevant and useful eSmart information, skills and strategies this year!


Looking to learn more? You can find more fantastic eSmart resources through the eSafety Commissioner Parent portal:


Rangeview eSmart Team