School News

Edrolo is a complete on-line resource for students and teachers utilised by several staff at WPSC. All Edrolo content is designed, produced and filmed with experienced teachers and the content covers every single dot-point in the design study for VCE.
Video lessons contain interactive questions throughout, providing students with instant feedback and teachers with live data. Edrolo provides regular formative assessment as well as practice exams.
Students gain insights into their own strengths and weaknesses, so they can make their study and revision as effective as possible.
The following 2019 VCE classes will be requiring all students to register for Edrolo:
Physical Education
Food Studies
Health and Human Development
Visual Communication
Physical Education
Studio Arts
THURSDAY 22ND NOVEMBER 7p.m – 7:45p.m in F2
What is a VPN? What do they do?
A VPN (or Virtual Private Network) allows you to make a connection from your computer, smart phone or tablet with another network or computer via the internet and allows you to use that network’s internet connection. If that network is in a different country, it will appear as if you are coming from that country, and you can potentially access things that you couldn’t normally. The use of a VPN also allows the owner of the network to collect any and all information that is accessed using their VPN.
At school, your child has access to the internet via a secure network set up by the Department of Education. Using a VPN at school bypasses the security and safety protocols the department and the school. This exposes your child to unsafe and undesirable websites including pornography. Any site or information accessed using a VPN can be collected by the VPN’s owner.
If your child is found to have an active VPN on their device, your child’s device will be confiscated for the VPN to be deleted. Your child will also be denied access to the school internet connection from their device for one week, having an effect on work and assessment. If a VPN is found for a second time on your child’s device, further consequences will be actioned.