This term there will be no formal year level Examination Period. Teachers, at their discretion, will provide classes with a unit test or work task (SAC) that will be delivered under exam conditions, but will only cover content from the current unit studied, not the semester’s work. This is to ensure equity of academic progress and wellbeing of all students.
In lieu of exams, students in Years 7, 8 and 9 will be having two days of transition to 2021 subjects. Students will move into their following year level core subjects and will be given an introduction to the subject along with a short activity relating to Term 1, 2021 units of work. Students will not require any 2021 textbooks or novels but will need an exercise book and pens, pencils.
Year 10 students moving into Year 11 studies (VCAL, VCE) will have transition information delivered soon.
Semester Two reports will be uploaded to PAM and students’ accounts on the afternoon of December 10.
Natalie Bates
Curriculum Leader