Year 8

SJC Athletics 

Dear parents and students it really is great to be back!


The last couple of weeks has been spent getting back into the routine of regular school life.


It has been a challenge for some but it is great to see the vibrant, energetic games

of Basketball and Four-square. The students have adapted well to our Covid-safe plans and expectations.


As we move closer to the end of the school year we are thankful to have these few final weeks together.


The weather has been varied but it is a good time to remind students about being sun-smart. Please remember to bring your hat

water bottle and sunscreen. There have been recent warnings regarding seasonal asthma so a good time to make sure the relevant

plans are in place. As the weeks fly by we are encouraging the students to give their best efforts with academic work.


While there are no formal examinations students can expect topic tests and other forms of assessment. We are all working together

to encourage the students to complete their homework and submit all tasks by the due dates.


The students have received their elective selections for next year. Should there be any concerns or changes please direct your son to

myself or Mr Janes.


As this week draws to a close we are grateful for the opportunity to celebrate Remembrance Day in our classrooms. The students were

models of respect and reverence. We are looking forward to our Activity Afternoon on Friday.


My personal thanks to the many parents who attended our recent PSG Meetings via Zoom.

Please do not hesitate to contact myself or the Homeroom teachers if you require any assistance.


Best wishes for a great final term! Live Jesus in our Hearts. Forever!


 Dee O'Neill

Year 8 Coordinator