
Year 7 Mac House

This year being our first experience in boarding has presented its own unique set of challenges and opportunities.

It has allowed us to gain a new level of independence as well as make connections with people across all age groups that we would not otherwise experience. The older boarders have been very welcoming and are always around providing much reassurance when needed. There is always the opportunity to participate with several College sports throughout the week and on weekends which is encouraged, along with free time on Wednesdays and Fridays after school, which we love!


Alfonso and his team work extremely hard to provide us with a variety of dinners, so we can taste different cuisines in a very communal and family-like environment.


The themed dinners especially for Easter and Halloween were fun as we were able to dress up and take part in the organised activities.


Although we don’t tend to stay in the boarding house on weekends, there are usually a variety of weekend activities that are organised by the boarding house staff, which we appreciate.


Bella Dunston and Miranda Page

Rock Wall challenges

There is no doubt that seeking challenge is an important virtue of life, and our boarders have this in spades. Last weekend our boarders were offered the opportunity to set themselves new heights in a rock wall challenge at the Senior School. With the very generous assistance and guidance of Mr Burmeister, boarders spent a good deal of time setting new goals and challenging themselves and each other. It is hard to believe, however, one climb to the top only had taken 9 seconds to complete. This was an outstanding show of strength and coordination from Isaac Hocking. Perseverance is certainly a family trait with Alyssa Hocking also demonstrating her never-give-up attitude in attempting an overhang section of the wall. 

Another weekend activity enjoyed by all. This week boarders will be looking forward to a movie and pizza night prior to the inaugural boarders’ fun run around the boarding precinct.

South Australia Families catch-up

What a unique place Dergholm is! Set about 20mins from Casterton and within the 70km buffer zone of the South Australian border made for a great place for our South Australian boarders to meet their parents, whom they have not been able to meet face-to-face for some six weeks. An idea from one of our families, Jane and Scott Hetherington went to great lengths to organise and coordinate a family catch up last Sunday afternoon. Wood-fired oven pizzas filled parents, boarders, and little brothers and sisters and for a few hours our families were able to unite and enjoy much appreciated quality time with each other. Thanks also goes to Dr Hirst and Trine Hirst, the Cameron family, the Palmer family, Kristen Waldron and Helen Reiher, who all made the trek to meet and greet families.

The time we spent at the “pub in the scrub” was something we all will not forget and most likely has set a likely precedent for the future. Thank you once again, Jane and Scott.


Speirs House update

It has been as busy as ever in Speirs House over the last few weeks. Along with our regular study routines, we have seen the boys get out and about, exploring Hamilton and surrounds with greater freedom. The boys are certainly making the most of a few newfound liberties and opportunities. Many of the boys have been out playing golf (with some evening practice sessions on the oval), practising their cricket skills and going on plenty of extended runs. I have even had a few students asking to be woken early (6:00 am!) so they can squeeze in exercise before school. 


I have been pleased with the tidiness of rooms, the boys’ manners at mealtimes and their continued positive attitude. I have noticed our Year 12s have received a lot of encouragement from their fellow-boarders which is wonderful to witness. The Year 11s have continued to show maturity in preparation for their move to the Year 12 wing and all the responsibilities that come with it. Our younger boarders have been greatly supported by our house mother, Lise Lowe, and as a result, they are becoming increasingly self-sufficient and organised. 


Over the coming weeks, we will begin to enjoy some great weather and further opportunities to get out and about where possible. I’m exceptionally proud of our house, our MODs and support staff that make for a terrifically resilient team in support of our ever-improving group of young men. 


Mr. Palmer, Head of House (Boys Boarding)


Andrew Monk