Myrniong - ELC to Yr6

Junior School Speech Day

The 2020 Junior School Speech Day on Friday 4th December will be a virtual event. COVID-19 protocol dictates we can only have Year Six, Year Five, Year Four prize winners and musicians in attendance. The College is very fortunate to have Mr. Mitchell Clode and his technical team. They did a fabulous job of producing the Senior Campus Speech Day earlier in the term. Parents will be emailed a link to watch Speech Day live, from 12.00 pm on 4th December. Parents of students who will appear on stage to receive an award or prize will be contacted prior to the event. We will also be inviting our new College families who will be joining us in 2021. I am looking forward to the day. It is always a wonderful celebration of our students and a lovely way to farewell the Year Six class of 2020.

Semester Two Reports

Junior School reports for Prep to Year Six classes will be released to parents in the final week of term. We will again be sending home a hard copy along with a student self-evaluation task for those in Years Three to Six. 2020 has been anything but a typical year. In these reports, Class and Specialist teachers will be reporting on student progress throughout Semester One and Semester Two. Embedded into the Personal Development reports will be a Remote Learning comment. This term, class teachers have been able to complete all of our scheduled standardised assessment tasks. 

What Does It Take To Succeed?

Nikki Gemmell writes for the Weekend Australia. Her opinion piece from 7th November challenged the reader to ponder the secrets of success. Gemmell listed a range of attributes that lead to success. Reading through the list, I could not help but think back over 2020, and whilst a challenging and truncated year it has been, I feel we as a Junior School learning community have ticked many of her success boxes:

*A willingness to embrace change

*Good intuition

*A knowledge of the lie of uniqueness


*The courage to admit mistakes


*A willingness to go the extra mile

*A joyfulness

*Good listening skills


Year Five Published Author

Throughout 2020 our Year Five classes have been using the online writing tool ‘Littlescribe’. Students have been producing a narrative with the title ‘Charlie the Chicken Chaser’. The stories were recently completed, scanned and sent off to Littlescribe for publishing. Each student will receive a hard copy of their book. It will also feature as an online text on the Littlescribe website. This week we received an email from Littlescribe announcing Year Five student Jack Wallis’ story had been selected for publication in ‘The Land’- a hardcopy and online rural newspaper in New South Wales.  Jack’s story and a short piece on the young author will appear in the 19th November hardcopy addition and the online Sunday 22nd November edition. Well done Jack!


Stephen Nelson

Head of Junior School