Associate Principal, Operations Report

Events of this week  remind us of two things.


Firstly, the need to take care with social distancing, mask wearing and hand sanitising remains paramount.  I think a good number of students have improved their wearing of masks so I am grateful for parental support in this as sought last week.  We need to keep repeating the message though – and will, I suspect, have to do so until the end of term.   Schools receive updates of requirements and regulations from the Education Department and the latest allows some relaxation of limits for singers and brass/woodwind players.  Mr Hiscock can advise of these small steps which can be taken.


Secondly, the VCE examinations continue to challenge and test students.  That is, of course, as it should be and we are confident that our students are well-prepared.  It has been good to see the support the Year 12 group give each other – in the library whilst studying, at arrival at the exam room (and on departure), in the Year 12 area in the Tim Murray Room and at lunchtimes when the six-square court remains central.  We will miss seeing the game being played there in the near future as they finish the exams and leave.  Already two of the group have finished and enjoyed their traditional trip up the tower. We wish all our students well for their remaining examinations and for the results which we expect to see on 30 December.


Neil MacLean

Associate Principal, Operations