Principal's Message


Dear KDC Community,

So after all these months, we finally have our whole school back on site. It has been a very smooth and positive start. Students have been happy to be back and seem to have developed a strong determination to get back on track as quickly as possible. We have had no issues at all about mask-wearing or any of the new COVID-safe rules. Our latest Attitude to Schools Survey data has just come in and you would be proud and amazed to see how resilient, connected and positive our students feel. Once we have had time to analyse the results fully, we will send out a report for you to have a look at.

I really need to acknowledge how calm, supportive and positive our whole school community has been throughout this whole trying time. I particularly want to recognize the amazing work our teachers and support staff did to keep students connected and engaged with their learning. We seem to have come through in remarkably good shape thanks to the determination and positivity of our students, parents and staff.

One of the hardest-hit groups this year have been the Year 12’s. They have lost so many of the highlights of their last year of school and have had to discipline and motivate themselves to stay connected to their learning. They have done a brilliant job and continue to show their strength and determination every day. Our teachers are working hard to ensure that their results in VCE, VCAL & VET fairly represent their ability and are not negatively impacted by the closures, disruption and hardship caused by COVID-19. Their last classes are today and their final day is next Monday. VCE students then go into intense revision and exams. Although we are not exactly sure yet what the rules will allow, we are determined to give Year 12 the best, classiest and most positive graduation possible. We wish all of our Year 12 students well and wait with anticipation to see what they can achieve this year.

I want to thank all of you very deeply for your fantastic support of KDC. The commitment and strength of our community has held us together so well and will allow us to move forward so positively to ensure that our students really do have the most positive future we can give them.