Library News....


Earlier in the year we had visit from Pam and Hartley who volunteer with "Koala Rescue"  a 100% volunteer run not for profit organisation who treat injured Koalas..  They shared lots of information regarding the plight of Koala's and the methods of rehabilitation.


 Using our school funds raised by recycling our 10c containers we have decided to foster Clifton who has recently come into their care. Pam and Hartley will provide us with updates of photos and information and we are hoping that once Clifton puts on a little more weight he may come and visit us.


Meet Clifton

Name: Clifton

Sex: Male

Weight: 588gms as of Oct 27th

Rescue and Care details:

Rescued from Stonyfell after falling at least 15 meters onto a member of the public's car. Vet assessed at Trinity Gardens Vet Clinic and had minimal abrasion to his chin and head jitters. The concern was that he had suffered a head injury but his recent behaviour indicates that they may not be the case. A very lucky little joey. Mother koala was 30 meters high in a tree and we were unable to reunite Clifton with his mum. 


Clifton is having 5 marsupial milk feeds throughout a 24 hour period and is beginning to attempt to eat some eucalyptus leaf He responds well to being exposed to some daylight for a short period daily and has attempted to climb a small branch in his enclosure. At all other times he remains in his pouches. Sooo Cute!!!! He will remain in care for about 10 months or until he achieves a healthy weight of over 4 and a half kgs.


I will send you updates and photos of him every couple of weeks and just hope he continues to progress. We should be mindful that it is early days and he is extremely small and vulnerable at the moment.