From the Principal


This is the time of year we begin looking at class structures and staffing for 2021.

Families would have received a form to complete indicating if your child/ren will be returning to HPS in 2021.

We met some of our 2021 reception students on Wednesday when they came for their first transition visit.

They were all very happy to be at school and we are very much looking forward to getting to know them and their families over the next few visits.

If you know of anyone who may be thinking of enrolling their child/ren for 2021 – please let them know to contact the school for an enrolment meeting.

All current students who will be returning in 2021 will be notified prior to the end of term their room number and teacher for 2021.



The decision has been made by staff not to hold our Celebration Night this year. It was a difficult decision to make as it is the one night of the year that we get to spend with so many of our families and friends in a really pleasant atmosphere.

The current COVID restrictions made it too difficult to go ahead with.

We will be going ahead with our Colour Explosion later this term.

Several classes are planning end of year excursions – you will be notified directly from class teachers with more detailed information.



Some students went to the Planetarium this week with Mr M.

Students were nominated by Mr M in conjunction with their class teachers.

These students have demonstrated either a passion for or high achievement in Science as well as consistent modelling of our school values.

This is a great opportunity for them to deepen their knowledge and understanding of science.


We are looking forward to a very busy and productive final few weeks of the year.


Kind Regards,
