Student Awards 

Students of the Week

Congratulations to the following students who were awarded Student of the Week this week and last week.  


*Prep A Alex W – Welcome to Echuca Twin Rivers.  It is great to have you join our class.

Jack N – Well done Jack, you have been trying really hard and you have settled back into school well.


*Prep B -  Isaiah F - You are a super star learner.  Your writing is fantastic and getting more detailed every day.  You are a great class helper and always listen to all instructions.  Well done Isaiah.

Max H - Well done on settling back into onsite learning. You have come in every day ready to learn.  You are trying your best and give every activity a red hot go.  Well done.


*1/2A - Harlem O - for being an amazing mathematician.  He has been a superstar at multiplication this week and it getting really fast at calculating how many objects are in different arrays.  Well done Harlem, keep up the fantastic effort.


*1/2B - Zoe H  - 

Larrah D  - 


*1/2C Emma W - Welcome to Echuca Twin Rivers School, Emma.  We have loved you joining our classroom this term and I am so proud of how quickly you have settled into the daily lives and routines of 1/2C.  Keep shining bright!

Kiara D - Welcome to Echuca Twin Rivers School, Kiara.  It is great to have you join our 1/2C 'Cool Cats' and see you slowly start to adjust and settle into our daily classroom routines.  Keep trying your best!


*3/4A - Keira G - 


*3/4B -   Isabella H - for a great start back at school.  Isabella it has been awesome to see you getting started on tasks straight away and giving them your best try.  Keep up the great work!

Zac P - for a great start back at school.  Zac you have been eager every day to complete your work.  We have been so pleased that each day you ask and seek to do more and more.  Keep up the great work this term!


*3/4C -     Noah H - 

Sophie Mc - 



*5/6A -  Matilda L - You have fitted in so well with our class since joining Twin Rivers.  It has been great to watch you make some great friends and show your inclusive and kind nature.  Welcome Matilda!

Tahlia D - Well done on making a great start at Twin Rivers.  Starting at a new school can be hard but you have shown great resilience and fit in well with our class.  It has been great to see you grow in confidence and make some new friends.  Great job Tahlia!


*5/6B -   Jahlisa C - for making a fantastic start to Term 4 after returning from Remote Learning.  It has been wonderful to see your smiling face every day and so excited to at school and working so hard.  I am so proud of you, keep up the fantastic work Jahlisa.

Tarni C - for working so incredibly hard in all areas of your learning.  You continue to challenge yourself in all areas and I am beyond proud that you finished the entire Famous Five book series already this year.  Keep up the fantastic work Tarni!


*5/6C -   Holly T - for starting at Twin Rivers with such enthusiasm towards learning.  You have such a great personality and are eager to listen and learn.  Well done on a fabulous start. Addyson B - for beginning Term 4 with great enthusiasm and taking responsibility in her learning.   You have such a kind and caring nature and are willing to help out wherever you are needed.  Well done on a fantastic return!


*Reading Groups - Jaxon P - for his great participation during our daily reading groups.  You have been doing a fantastic job, quickly picking up the new ideas we are working on.  Your enthusiasm when you 'get' the new concept is wonderful. 


*Art -  Malachi F - For creating an awesome yarned bomb apple.  I was impressed with your precise weaving.  Thank you for always showing our school values in the Art Room!

Jaxon P - for doing your best in the Art Room.  You worked really hard on your value painting and you are a respectful student in the classroom.  Thanks Jax, keep up the great work!

Aiden T - for listening closely to our new expectations within the Art Room, for using such beautiful manners during the session and for having a huge smile on his face while painting his Mixed UP Chameleon.


*Music/Indonesian -  Declan M -  for always participating enthusiastically in all Music/Indonesian activities. You display our school values in everything you do.

Kailey NW -  for always participating enthusiastically in all Music/Indonesian activities. You show respect and are always keen to ‘have a go’ at new things.


*PE -   Armani G - Well done for demonstrating our school values in PE! You were such a great helper in our lesson this week and you nailed your long jump take off and landing.  Well done!

Cameron W - Well done for approaching every activity with a positive attitude and giving 100% effort in PE this week. In addition you proved to be quite the long jumping superstar too! Well done and keep up the great work!


SWPB Wally Sticker Awards

A very big congratulations to  all the students at our school who have demonstrated behaviours that align with our values and have been awarded the following certificates.  


10 Wally Sticker Award Recipients:  

Stella H, Ashton G, Elijah B, 


20 Wally Sticker Award Recipients:

Elijah R, Tarni C, Cameron W, Stevie L , Isaiah F,  Kolby D, 


30 Wally Sticker Award Recipients:

Nikita O, Dakoda MF, Serena M, Trent W, Abbey C, Maddi A, 

40 Wally Sticker Recipients:

Caiden K, Dave L, Tyson A, Flynn LF,  Alanna M

50 Wally Sticker Recipients:

Daisy BK,