A Word of Encouragement

I’m feeling weary these last few weeks. Are you too? As much as I’m enjoying getting out and seeing people face-to-face again, I’m finding it tiring too and needing to pace myself as the restrictions ease and I find a new normal. After such a strange year, I can feel that my body has less in reserve, having been a bit over-stimulated with stressors and uncertainties which have lingered for a long time, often under the surface but sapping my energy nevertheless. 


One of Jesus’ invitations is that we can come to him when we are tired from carrying heavy burdens and he can give us rest (Matthew 11:28). I know from experience that this doesn’t mean the deadlines magically disappear or the days suddenly get longer so we can get some extra hours sleep (sadly!). But what it does mean is that as I feel the truth of my own limited capacity and the reality of my lack of strength, I can come to Jesus and place the burdens I carry into his care. And when I do that, there is a peace and release that comes. A peace and release that comes because I’m reminded the outcome doesn’t all depend only on me: Jesus is able to take care of what I can’t. A peace and release that comes because what I’ve tried to do with the energy and capacity that I do have does not finish with me: God can use my offerings and bring his good out of it. A peace and release that comes with the confidence that Jesus holds all that is too much for me, and so it will be OK. 


It isn’t a cop-out that leaves me able to be lazy or selfish, but it is a helpful reminder of truth and perspective that when we faithfully do what we can do, he is able and willing to carry the rest. So, whatever it is, I don’t have to carry the burden, the expectation or the outcome alone.


If this strange and tiring year is starting to weigh on you too, can I encourage you not to keep stepping only in your own strength, but to unload on Jesus and receive his peace and release for your next step.


Rev Karen Reid

Girton Chaplain