'Isolation' - Anthology

Annabelle McHugh - Year 7

We are all at home.

It is like a safety dome.


Working and Home schooling.

The Earth appears to be blooming.


The Earth is recovering.

Recovering from suffering.


We are busy learning.

But for school we are yearning.


This time with our families we treasure.

Been together is such a pleasure.


Time with our pets, dogs, and cats.

While the animals are peaceful in their habitats.


Our free time is spent being creative.

When all is normal, we will be very appreciative


Consuming novels one after the other.

Spending time with your sister, or brother.


This time to reconnect.

Is also a time to disconnect.

How we will miss this pleasure.

But the memories will be like treasure.


Annabelle McHugh

Year 7


Anthology Artwork

Jorja Stahlhut 

Year 7