Aladdin Jr

2020 College Production

This year, the College Production was announced as ‘Aladdin Jr’. We were all so excited to explore new opportunities and work together as a collective unit.


Auditions came around in early February and eventually, after several callbacks, the cast was released. To say we were excited was beyond an understatement. We had a fantastic production crew and cast and we knew that great things were coming.


Unfortunately, at the end of Term 1, we had to continue our learning remotely. The cast ensured we were keeping up rehearsals over Skype regularly to ensure we could return to school in Term 2, prepared to continue rehearsals onsite. As soon as we returned, optimistic that we would still have a production, we were informed that it had to be cancelled. This day was quite emotional for the cast but we knew it had to be done. It was impractical to still run it and we knew it would not be at the standard of our College productions.


In Term 3, Mrs Holden suggested that we have ‘Aladdin Jr Remote’, a chance for the lead cast and ensemble to showcase some of the amazing numbers from the show. These included ‘Palace Walls’ and ‘A Friend Like Me’. 


We were all so grateful to have the opportunity to participate in the show in some way and words cannot express the appreciation for the amazing production team who helped us.


We hope you enjoy the songs!

Sienna Koop

Year 9 Student