Principal's Reflection

2020 will certainly be a year that is long remembered by all those who experienced it. As a college community we have had to be incredibly adaptable, responsive and resilient as we faced the many challenges that came our way throughout the year due to COVID-19. It is said that the true qualities and strength of both individuals and a community become evident during a time of crisis or significant challenge.
What I have witnessed throughout 2020 is not only how strong we are as individuals and as a community, but also how caring and supportive we are. Strength and Kindliness has and continues to guide us through these very uncertain and challenging times. The support and encouragement given by staff, students and parents to one another throughout 2020 has been overwhelming and speaks volumes about our wonderful College community. Every student and staff member should feel incredibly proud of the way in which we navigated these very uncertain times together.
I congratulate and welcome the Class of 2020 as the newest alumnae of Kilbreda College. These wonderful young women were so gracious in their understanding and acceptance of the changes that needed to be made to their graduation celebrations. To their great disappointment, they spent much of their final year of secondary school isolated from their peers, but they were most grateful to be able to spend their last few weeks together onsite at the College this term. Their final day before exams was filled with much laughter, wonderful costumes and shared memories of their six years at the College. A guard of honour was formed by students and staff for our graduates as they left the College grounds. That evening, the girls gathered with their family at home to watch their Graduation Mass and Ceremony which had been pre-recorded. While very different to previous years, it was a wonderful evening, nonetheless!
It was, of course, most disappointing that we were unable to hold the reunions that were scheduled during 2020. At the time of writing it looks very promising that we will be able to resume them again early in 2021 and hold our third Past Pupils’ of Distinction Dinner as planned. We very much look forward to welcoming you back to the College in 2021.
As 2020, a year that will never be forgotten, draws to a close, we look forward to being able to live, learn and work more freely once again and give thanks for the many blessings that we have in our lives. May we continue to be inspired and guided by the teaching of Jesus, St Brigid and the Brigidine Sisters who established this wonderful school.
We pray for peace in our families, our communities and our world and I wish you all a safe and happy Christmas.
Wait in joyful hope,
A saviour will come.
Jesus Christ
The light of the world.
Wait in joyful hope,
A saviour will come,
Welcome to the Word of God
Michael Herry: Sing Spirit, Sing Life
With every blessing,
Nicole Mangelsdorf