Round the classes 

Reception class : Katie 

The Reception class has been busy learning more new sounds. We have also started writing our own narrative stories. Stephen has also been visiting us and he has been teaching us about Information Reports. 

In maths we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We have also been learning different ways to represent numbers. 

As part of geography we have been designing our own street and discussing the types of businesses that make up these streets. 

Finally, as part of our work with the Kimochis we have been learning about turn taking and the different ways we can be kind to others. We are looking forward to the warmer weather next term as we hope to get back out in the garden. 


Year 1/2 classes : Sam and Kelly

This fortnight we continued our focus on our sounds - recognising initial, middle and end sounds. We have also continued our narrative writing - focusing on describing the character, setting the scene, what the problem is and linking the problem into a series of events, and the solution to the story.  Both classes have shown improvement with their writing.


In Maths, we finished our focus on measurement and have started learning about chance and probability. We looked at tasks that used language such as certain, likely, unlikely and impossible. We also have been making predictions before attempting tasks - for example, how many times do you think the die is going to land on 6? Was your prediction right? Why? Why not? The children had to record their results on a table using tallies.


Kelly's class performed their 'Where the wild things are' play in the gym. A special thank you goes to Sallie (Gus and Ada's grandmother) for volunteering her time to help produce such a fantastic play.  The children did such a great job remembering their lines, dance moves plus singing.


For Health, we read the book, What if everybody did that? written by Ellen Javernick and illustrated by Colleen M. Madden. It was great to listen to the discussions about what would happen if everybody did what they wanted to. We linked this to the importance of having rules and why we need rules in society.


Year 3/4 class: Stephen and Henry

The students have been focusing on achieving their information report writing learning goals. They follow the process of choosing an explicit goal and then they work towards achieving it.  Each goal needs to be achieved three times before a new one is set. The writing goals are recorded and made visible.  The goals are individually based for each student.

The students have also worked on writing with more evaluative language as per the example shown.  The focus is on making positive or negative evaluations by choosing specific vocabulary.


The students have also collaborated with Alex’s class to get ready for the Music Showcase, making sure the lyrics to the class song are well remembered.


Year 3/4 class: Alex

In English students have been writing their Brightpath assessment pieces for both narrative and persuasive writing. They have been reflecting upon their writing goals and the progress they have made in their writing. They have been applying their knowledge of persuasive devices and persuasive text structure to write a persuasive piece of their choice. 

In Health students have been learning about stereotypes. They have been investigating gender stereotypes and how these can be communicated through comments people make, movies and advertising. They have been discussing how stereotypes can make people feel uncomfortable about liking or doing certain activities that interest them. Students have been re-designing typically gendered toy advertisements to create inclusive versions of the ads. They have been applying their knowledge of persuasive devices to make their advertisements convincing.

In Mathematics students have been reflecting upon their goals in the area of multiplication and applying their efficient multiplication strategies to solve problems. Students have been working on clearly articulating their mathematical reasoning during morning estimation challenges.


Year 5/6 Class: Sallie

We have enjoyed investigating angles using our protractor and getting to know different shapes and their angle properties. 

In English we have been really focusing on our writing and have completed a narrative Big Write and will complete another Big Write this week. The topic for this persuasive Big Write is "Should there be a resort built in the Uraidla area?" Students are asked to consider the impact on the community, the environment and themselves. Some interesting discussions have been had! 

For Business and Economics  (HASS) this week we have been looking at being a consumer and the different impacts this has on individuals, families and businesses. One activity the students had to do was create a healthy lunch with a budget of $5 per person (3 people per group).  Some of the concepts of "healthy" were debatable. Students are now preparing a survey around having a "chain" supermarket in the area. Again, interesting discussions. 

Disappointingly we were unable to sing in the Festival of Music choir event, but we are keen to show off our skills at the Music Show case on Thursday night.


SAPSASA Athletics State Championships

Last Tuesday I went to Bridgestone Athletics Centre at Salisbury to participate in the 100m relay for the Hills district running team. It was the state carnival. The race was in the afternoon so I spent the first half of the day watching the other events. When it was time for the race it was raining. There were two heats and my team was in the second one. We came first in our heat but unfortunately, we were 0.1 seconds behind the winning team so we came second and got a silver medal. All in all, it was a great experience and I really enjoyed it.

By David  


Indonesian :Ibu Susan

In Indonesian we have been busy completing many tasks including translations, comprehensions and dictations. The middle primary classes have also written descriptions of mixed-up animals using the words from this term. They did a fantastic job!


Science : Troy

In Science students have been learning about the biological sciences. In Reception students having been looking at the five senses and identifying everyday objects we can see, hear, smell, taste and touch. In Year 1/2 students have been completing their models based on animals and their physical appearance. In Year 3/4 students are focusing on living and non living organisms and Yr 5/6 are creating new animals with different adaptations to help them survive.