Captains' Corner
Jethmi Almeida & Christopher Kelly - Faith and Mission Captain
Captains' Corner
Jethmi Almeida & Christopher Kelly - Faith and Mission Captain
Hello Everyone!
We hope you have enjoyed your first few weeks back to term 3, arguably one of the busiest terms of the year.
Thanks to all your efforts in the previous term towards MAD Day. We raised almost $8000 dollars towards two special groups, Wellsprings for Women in Dandenong - who offers services, supports and programs for women to improve education, employment, health and wellbeing and to live life safely and free from violence, and for St Solomon's Primary School in Ahmedabad, Pakistan.
Additionally, this term the social justice committee has turned their ambitions towards supporting and giving back to our local community, following the theme for the year 'Take the Way Of the Gospel' in a practical way:
St Vinnies Soup Vans - With the Help of Lasallian Youth Minister Jess Edwards we are helping assist in the preparation of foods that will be served out to those in need in our local community.
Aged Care Involvement - The social justice committee has been given the opportunity to get involved with the local aged care centre, where we hope to interact with and assist the aged care residents, be it helping them, writing them letter, or just interacting with them and brightening their day.
Breakfast Club - We are reigniting the previous Breakfast Club at St John's! Every Tuesday morning Jess Edwards and the Social Justice Committee will be setting up SPAC with breakfast foods and music/entertainment to kick start student's and staff member's mornings. (It's also a great way to beat the cold!)
Stay Safe Everyone