Stella Awards
Rewarding Positive Student Achievement
Stella Awards
Rewarding Positive Student Achievement
The St John’s Stella Awards System links to our College Motto
‘Virtus in Astra Tendit’ which translates to ‘Courage Strives for the Stars’
and where the word Stella is Latin for Star. The system is a means of
recognising students who are exemplars of courage, courtesy and
achievement in the following areas of the College:
Students have the opportunity to participate in the above areas every year and throughout their 6 years of secondary schooling at St John’s through SIS events, School Leadership, School Performances, School House Events and Primary School Visits to name just a few examples. When students show a high level of consistent effort and participation, recognition is made by a teacher by submitting a Stella Award Nomination through SEQTA.
Stella Star Badges are awarded to students who have achieved a number of Award nominations and are usually handed out to students during College Assemblies. The criteria for these star badges are as follows:
BRONZE STAR Badge 6 Stella Awards nominations in any category
SILVER STAR Badge 10 Stella Awards nominations involving in at least 3 categories
GOLD STAR Badge 16 Stella Awards nominations covering all 4 categories
DIAMOND STAR Badge 22 Stella Awards nominations covering all 4 categories