Library News

As the end of term fast approaches, we can look back at Term 3 and reflect on some of our favourite library activities.
Our school is a strong participant in the Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge (VPRC). Our library staff, in conjunction with the Year 7 and 8 English teachers, are very proud of the many students who successfully complete this challenge each year. The library staff have spent many months promoting reading with Book Talks and VPRC sessions to ensure students are best placed to successfully complete the VPRC. We would like to congratulate the many students who have already completed the 2022 challenge and to remind those students who haven’t quite finished that they have until Friday 2nd of September to upload their books and to hand their reading records to a library staff member. We look forward to celebrating with our successful students at a pizza lunch next term.
The theme for the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Book Week this year was Dreaming with eyes open and we saw many students keen to participate in our competitions and activities. Students enjoyed the daily book quiz and congratulations go to the following students:
Monday Natasha L.
Tuesday Jorja M.
Wednesday Lillijano S.
Thursday Avni M.
Friday Charlotte L
Monday lunchtime saw many students eager to battle it out for the winner of the popular Kahoot on Greek Gods. It was fabulous to see so many fans of the Percy Jackson book series by Rick Riordan demonstrate their knowledge of Greek Gods. Congratulations go to Hannah, Michael, and Laura for a very closely fought competition. Students in the library Wednesday lunchtime, were entertained by a play list of songs and videoclips featuring music that contained references to books or reading.
Thursday lunchtime in the library was a hive of activity with enthusiastic students excited to be part of our CBCA Book Week Treasure Hunt. The three equal winners of the Treasure Hunt are Lillijano S, Lucas N and Aidan D.
To conclude our Book Week celebrations on Friday, we had a special and very popular live music performance featuring our talented music students from the TLSC Stage Band. Our thanks go to Mr. Vasilevski and Mr. Latomanski for supporting the band to perform in the library.
Finally, Book Club members are looking forward to an excursion to the Melbourne Writers Festival in the city on September 9th.
We hope you enjoy the photos taken throughout our Book Week celebrations.
Penny Earl
(on behalf of the Library Team)