Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Carers,


Over the past two, very busy weeks we have had many very exciting activities. The Discos run by our PFC, the Today show broadcasting from EHPS, our School Transition Program for our 2023 Preps, Book Week including dress up day and the parade, the swimming program for Years 5 and 6, the Father’s Day treat morning yesterday and the Father’s Day stall today organised by our PFC.  In many of these events it has been so good to see so many members of our community in our school and joining into the fun.

Over the last two weeks of Term 3, we are looking forward to the Year 3 and Year 4 swimming programs, the completion of the Principal’s Reading Challenge, Footy Colours Day, the Year 5 Living Wax Museum presentation, the Victorian State Schools Spectacular ,and much more! Make sure that you keep an eye on Compass for details about all these activities. 

Today show visit

Thank you so much for your participation in the Today Show segments last week. There was an amazing community feel to the morning which certainly harks back to pre-COVID days. I have heard so many very positive comments about our school and the children. This was an amazing example of the EHPS community working as a team to bring it all together. 

Special mentions to the PFC and the parents that helped in so many ways, including playing Matball and organising the food vans etc. Also special thanks to staff that helped with each of the segments. Your follow up with children and the coordination of the items needed that made the each of the segments work. Thanks so much! Finally, a huge thank you to Alyssa for spending a huge amount of time working with me to coordinate our side of the event. It would not have been possible without her assistance.

It was very encouraging to see so many parents, children and staff throughout the morning supporting, watching, or helping out in different ways. Thanks for being supportive team players!

Building our EHPS community connection is an important school priority which has been made very difficult over the past two and a half years. In recent times however this has started to turn around and this was another very important step. 

The Today Show event will remain in the memories of everyone for many years to come. 


The weather segments can be viewed on the EHPS YouTube channel - click here.

Staff absence and class coverage

As I am sure you are aware through the media and my communications with you, that there is an acute teacher shortage in Victoria and throughout Australia. This combined with the high sickness rates are making covering classes very difficult. For the vast majority of absences, we have always tried to have a teacher able to step in and continue the learning program for the children. Sometimes this has been a Casual Relief Teacher (CRT) and sometimes even an existing staff member. I believe, compared to many other schools, that we have been able to cover classes effectively enabling learning to continue for all children. Unfortunately, there have been a very few odd occasions where classes have needed to be split, due to last minute staff illness or CRT cancellations. Thank you for your understanding in relation to this matter.

Showcase 2023

There has been a change to the arrangements for Showcase this year. Please refer to the detailed explanation in the Showcase page.

Parents and Friends Club

Our Parents and Friends Club (PFC) are doing such a spectacular job in bringing our community together, supporting school events and providing great opportunities for the children. They also try to raise funds for the school so that it can be used for the benefit of all the children. Even though this is not their prime focus, it is an aspect of their role that many families see. In recent times fundraising has been focussed on the replacement of the Year 1 and 2 Playground near the Stadium. There has been about $25,000 set aside for this project. The site of the playground will require significant ground works e.g. drainage before any construction can commence. In addition, the replacement cost of a playground of comparable size is far greater than the current funds available from the PFC. As a school we are committed to getting the playground replaced and work has begun to plan the project. 

It is important to remember that there is, already, another major project underway, which is a new shade sail at the Essex Road side of the school, in front of the Prep area. This project will begin construction shortly. Once this project is completed, we will then be able to focus our attention on the replacement of the Year 1-2 Playground. 

Yesterday and today, we have seen other examples of the support that the PFC provides our community. The Father’s Day & Special Friends morning and today’s stall has given the children such enjoyment. It was again wonderful to have so many people coming together yesterday, over a cup of coffee and a breakfast treat, reconnecting after so long. I would again like to thank the PFC team for their continual support of our school.


Please remember the Trivia Night in the first week of October - refer to the Parents & Friends Club page for details.

Rapid Antigen Tests

The final distribution of Rapid Antigen Tests for this term occurred this week. Every student has been provided their kit by their classroom teacher.  Please ensure that your child's kit has been stored in a safe place to use if required – if they have any symptoms, or are a household contact attending school during the positive person’s isolation period. 

If your child returns a positive result for COVID-19, please notify the school by phoning the School Office, and the Department of Health. 

Absence from School – Family Holidays

Quite a few families have taken or are planning to take family holidays at this time of year. Families are reminded that if you are planning a holiday during a school term, that the Department of Education & Training school attendance guidelines requires that you obtain permission from me (the Principal) to be away from school for such a holiday during a school term. If you have a holiday planned, and have not notified the school, please send me an email via the school email address – – with the details of your plans. On confirmation from me, please enter the appropriate attendance note on Compass for the period of your child’s absence and inform your child’s classroom teacher in writing. 

Community Celebrations

Some members of our wonderfully diverse EHPS community have celebrated or commemorated significant dates recently:

  • The Hindu faith – Raksha Bandhan (11 August), Krishna Janmashtmai (18 – 19 August), Onam (30 August to 9 September), and Ganesh Chaturthi (31 August).
  • Sikh community commemorated the Inauguration (Gurgaddi) of Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh Holy Scripture, on 28 August. 

We hope that these members of our community have enjoyed celebrating these important spiritual and cultural days.


We welcome the following students and their families to the EHPS community:

  • Deyaan K (PLZ)
  • Nik T (5R) 


Looking forward to seeing you around the school. Happy Father’s Day on Sunday. 


Kindest regards,

George Perini
