On Monday and Tuesday this week, the Year 7 GATE classes visited the City for a tour of the architecture. First, we looked at the architecture of the old post office and bank, before we went under Forrest Chase to see how the delivery system works and the plumbing for the fountains. This area was once a lake. 

London Court.
London Court.

Then we went to London Court and saw a replica of Big Ben. We walked around the Town Hall and heard about Flemish bond bricklaying. We visited the original Perth Post Office and saw Point Zero, where all distances in WA are measured from. We also visited a sculpture of St George's spear piercing the dragon, went to Government House, the original Hale School and heard a great deal about heritage listed buildings and even a heritage listed tree! 


Our tour guide was Mr Vaughan Sadler, who was Principal at our school from 1992-1999.


It was a very informative morning. 








TJ Boylen

Year 7 Trinity