THS Performing Arts 

Mid Year Concert 


Last Monday evening, July 25th,  the Performing Arts Department staged its annual Mid Year Concert. This was an awesome event that showcased the school's extra-curricular and VCE ensembles, featuring over 120 students from all year levels, performing to a packed auditorium. This was the culmination of a massive amount of work in lessons, classes and rehearsals over the last three months.


Students, staff, family and friends thoroughly enjoyed the variety and high standard of performances on show by all year levels, with a special and massive shout-out to our Year 7 extension band, ‘Soundwave’, for their debut performance. Musical highlights included ‘Summer Nights’ from ‘Grease’, ‘Skyfall’ from the James Bond film, ‘Crazy in Love’ and the theme from ‘Ghostbusters’. The effort, attitude and behaviour of our students was exemplary, lead by our captains as comperes, Harvey Constable and Tess Marjanovic.


Big thanks to our Instrumental Music Teachers, the Performing Arts Team, Bec Perkin our new PA leader, our Music Parents Group , the Principal Team and our fabulous students and parents.


Looking forward to more gigs soon! Keep practising and having fun.


Sean Nihill