Student Wellbeing 

Be respectful, Be a learner, Be safe

Student Wellbeing Surveys

Data is used across all areas of learning to assist in learning outcomes specific to student needs. Wellbeing data is no exception. Students in all levels, P-6 have been completing wellbeing surveys this week. The surveys are age appropriate and contain questions about feelings towards school and safety at school, including bullying. The senior surveys also include online gaming and social media.

The surveys to date have been extremely positive and affirming, with a few highlighting that they require assistance. The data received is extremely important to guide our wellbeing lessons. Teachers use the data to refine lessons targeting the areas of need and building upon existing knowledge. Please speak to your child's teaching team if you have any concerns regarding their wellbeing. 


A snapshot of the surveys


Program Support Meetings

This week and next week are our PSG meetings. These meetings are part of the NCCD consultation process and are an opportunity to share student growth and success, and set new goals for future growth. We appreciate your time and support in attending these meetings.



Student Wellbeing Team

Lisa Inglese and Jenny Todd