Upcoming Events & Principal's Report 

Dates to Remember


Friday 27th  End of Term - 2:30pm Dismissal


Monday 14th        Term 3 Begins

Wednesday 16th  Year 5/6 African Drumming

Tuesday 22nd      Yr 3 Camp Information Night

Wednesday 23rd   School Council Meeting

                             Year 5/6 African Drumming

Thursday 24th      Student Banking Resumes

Wednesday 30th   Year 5/6 African Drumming

                              Bike Education Begins

Friday 25th           CURRICULUM DAY



Monday 4th          Book Fair 8:30am & 3:30pm

                            Year 4 Science Incursion

Tuesday 5th         Book Fair 8:30am & 3:30pm

                             School Photo Day 

Wednesday 6th    Book Fair 8:30am & 3:30pm

                            Year 3 Science Incursion

                            Year 5/6 African Drumming

Thursday 7th       Book Fair 8:30am 

                            Book Week Character Day

Saturday 9th        P&F Trivia Night

Wednesday 13th  Year 5/6 African Drumming

Thursday 14th     Year 3 Camp Departs

Friday 15th          Year 3 Camp Returns

Monday 18th        Year 6 Camp Departs

Wednesday 20th  School Council Meeting

Friday 22nd          Year 6 Camp Returns


Friday 5th              P&F  Father's Day Breakfast

Wednesday 17th   School Council Meeting

Friday 19th   End of Term - 2:30pm Dismissal


Monday 6th           CURRICULUM DAY

Tuesday 7th          Term 4 Begins

Wednesday 15th    School Council Meeting

Thursday 16th        P&F  Student Treat Day


Tuesday 4th         MELBOURNE CUP DAY

Wednesday 19th   School Council Meeting

Friday 21st             P&F   Twilight Market

Prep 2015 School Tours

July               Monday 21st          9:30am

August          Monday 4th            9:30am

September   Monday 8th            9:30am

Curriculum Days 2014

Tuesday    28th of January

Tuesday    10th of June

Friday        25th of July

Monday     6th of October 

Term Dates 2014

Term 1  -  January 28 to April 4th

Term 2  -  April 22nd to June 27th

Term 3  -  July 14th to September 19th

Term 4  -  October 6th to December 19th  

Principal's Report

Parent /Teacher Interviews

The Mid-year Reporting Process has been completed with the Parent/Teacher interviews held earlier this week. This is a valuable component of the reporting process as it enables teachers and parents to work closely together to recognize student achievement and to agree on learning goals and strategies for the second semester. Thank you to everyone who gave generously of their time in this process.


Reports – How can they be developed and improved?

The school leadership team and the teachers will now move to reviewing the report format. We have been using the government sponsored QuickVic program for about nine years now and it is time for a change to meet the current requirements of teachers and parents. Schools are now able to design their own unique report formats using commercially available platforms. We believe that there are aspects of the report that should be retained but there are certainly elements that can be replaced, or modified, in order to better serve the purpose of communicating student achievements. I am interested at this initial stage of review in the opinion of parents – the audience.


The A – E grading structure will remain as this is a regulatory requirement agreed to by the Commonwealth and State governments. Education funding is linked to this agreement.


I encourage parents to email me their thoughts regarding the various elements of the reports and the language used. Contact me on:



Parent Occupation Data


Letters have been sent home today with the 'youngest' child in each family regarding the collection of Parent Occupation Data.


Schools are required to update Parent/Guardian Occupation Data so it can be correctly applied to the Commonwealth and Victorian Government School funding formula. 


In order that each school receives the appropriate level of funding to support student learning, the data must provide an accurate record of the current occupations of all parents and guardians. 


Please complete this form using the attached guide and return them to the school by Wednesday 16th July.Please ensure that you do not overstate your occupation. While you may be qualified to do a range of occupations it is extremely important you only state the occupation that you have undergone for the last 12 months. If a parent has not been in paid work for the last 12 months please compete the form with 'N' 


All information is strictly confidential and only aggregated data will be used. Individual parents or guardians will not be identifiable. 


If you do not receive this letter or if you have any questions regarding this form, please contact the office. 


Brick Shed and Bike Shelter

The work will be completed tomorrow on this significant School Council initiative with the connection of the storm water to the system and the removal of the temporary fence. Children will then be able to use the Rebound Wall for the first time.  The stainless steel bike stands, similar to those seen in parks and shopping strips will be installed over the next few weeks.  Students may use the shelter as well as the existing concrete bike stands on the embankment in the meantime.


Safety in the Yard

With the wild weather this week parents may have had concerns about safety in the playground. The school manages these matters on a regular basis through both precautionary action and organizational changes on the day. To ensure the safety of the trees, arborists are employed annually to inspect and service the major trees. These works were completed last school holidays and earlier this term. All dead branches were removed from the gum trees at that time.


The Brick Shed was designed by an engineer and so the double brick rebound wall is supported to its full height by appropriately placed piers within the shed. It is engineered to withstand very strong wind loads.


Because of the wild weather on Tuesday the decision was made early to bring the students into school before 9 am to ensure they were dry through the day. Lunchtime was called a wet/windy day timetable so all students remained in the classrooms, playing indoor games and sharing passive leisure activities.


Parents can be confident that the maintenance of student safety is an ongoing goal of the school.


End of Term

The term will end with an assembly in the Hall beginning at 2:20pm on Friday. I would like to wish everyone a great break and we look forward to the start of Term 3 on Monday, 14th of July.



Glenn Butler
