Principal's Report

Dear Families,


Week 2 has turned out to be a busy one with many activities happening throughout the week.



Congratulations to Amee and Alex who were married on Sunday. Amee certainly made a beautiful bride. She is now known as Mrs Thorn.



Mother’s Day Stall 

Students were very excited to purchase gifts for Mother’s Day. Many thanks to all those people who donated items, the children had a wonderful array of gifts to choose from. A special thank you to Juanita Lardner who spent countless hours making some beautiful items for the stall. She is certainly very talented. Thank you also to the people who set up and came along on the day to wrap or sell items. It was lovely to have so many parents back in the school again. We raised $522.50 which is fantastic. 

Breakfast Club

Yesterday we held our first Breakfast Club, we had about eight students attend. Popular items on the menu were Weetbix and toast. Thanks to Kasey Cook for volunteering for this project, it is great to have such committed people in our community.

Cross Country

Our annual Cross Country will be held on Monday. We will meet at the Daunt’s Bend gateway into the bush at 1.30pm. Parents are very welcome to attend. 


Morning Reading

Parents are now welcome to come into the classroom to hear their child read before school each day from 8.45am - 9am.


Have a lovely Mother’s Day,

Regards Heather