Student Services News : Wellbeing

Celebrating IDAHOBIT Day
May 17 is the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia known as IDAHOBIT. IDAHOBIT provides an opportunity for schools to celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex, queer and questioning (LGBTIQ+) diversity and inclusion. IDAHOBIT was established in 2004 to draw attention to the violence and discrimination LGBTIQ+ people face around the world. The 17 May date commemorates the World Health Organisation’s 1990 decision to declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder. IDAHOBIT is celebrated in more than 130 countries around the world.
About 75% of young people who are same sex attracted, or gender diverse experience some form of homophobic or transphobic abuse. Realising what transphobic or homophobic abuse looks like is a big part in creating change, and you might not even realise you’re doing it. Abuse can really affect how people feel physically and mentally, and has a big impact on their lives, so it’s really important to take a stand against it.
This year at NHS, we encouraged our students to wear “A touch of Rainbow” and ran a number of activities throughout the day to celebrate IDAHOBIT.
Happy IDAHOBIT to all Queer Members of the NHS Community!
Welcome to new team member Tess Hodgins-Parry
Hi everyone! My name is Tess and I am the new Secondary School Nurse at Northcote High School. I will be working with the wellbeing team to support students’ health and wellbeing and deliver health promotion programs and activities. I have worked in a variety of roles and settings, including sexual and reproductive health as well as recent experience in youth health at headspace.
I moved to Melbourne at the end of 2020 from Darwin, where I spent a lot of time hiking, camping, and crocodile watching (pictured). When I am not out in nature, I enjoy reading and different forms of art.
I am looking forward to meeting you and joining the school community.
Clubs Clubs Clubs
Don’t forget that we have clubs that run nearly every day at Northcote! We a wide range of clubs on offer this year including: Green Team, Rainbow Club, IT Squad and Gamers Club (and many more!).
To see the extensive list of clubs on offer, pop by the Student Services office, your Sub School office or the front office. Nothing take your fancy? Why not start a new club. Pop by the Student Services office (Room M11) and speak with Megan or Sabatinie about starting your own club today!
The Student Wellbeing team is here to help
See below for information on how you can connect with your Student Wellbeing Coordinator (SWC), access counselling at school, and information and resources for support outside of school hours or term. If this sort or support is new for you, you might like to check out this video that explains what it’s like to see a mental health professional for the first time
The Student Wellbeing team also run activities, programs, and support groups (for parents, carers and students!) throughout the year. Look out for details on our upcoming Adolescence and Parenting information session later in the newsletter.