Student Services : Careers

Work experience is underway
It’s an exciting week for our Year 10 cohort this week as they spend time away from the classroom to explore the wider world of work.
For most students this means attending a workplace and observing all that happens in the day to day life of that industry, and hopefully talking to people in a range of job roles. Other students are participating in our virtual work experience program hosted by The Careers Department. These students are completing a range of research tasks and watching some excellent videos which outline a number of job roles in industries of interest.
I hope that all Year 10 students make the most of their opportunities this week and enjoy the change of pace away from the school campus.
Preparing for 2023
This is the time of year that the wheels start turning to plan and prepare for transition into 2023. School handbooks and subject descriptors are being finalised in preparation for information events which will outline student choices. Tertiary institutions are ramping up their information sessions and tours to inform students of further study options beyond high school.
This is a really important time for students to stay tuned in to the information being provided. They should be keeping a close eye on announcements on Teams and taking advantage of opportunities to learn more about their choices. I encourage families to start conversations at home and engage in the process which will be taking place over terms two and three to select preferences for 2023.
Making an appointment
At this time of year the demand for careers interviews rises dramatically. If you need to discuss subject selection or pathways options with Booma, please ensure that you book early. To make an appointment you can head to Compass>School Documentation>Careers>Appointments – and use the link to book a time.