Lucie Hill
Library Technician
Hello everyone and welcome back to school for 2020. By now I trust all students have visited the library, and have borrowed either a book to read in the classroom or a book to take home. Either way, it's been wonderful seeing the students enjoy the library this year. Our range of books is bigger and better than ever.
The library will be open every morning from 8.45am to 9.00am for anyone to borrow a book. It is also open during lunchtimes on Wednesday and Friday, for the Students in Years 3 to 6. During lunchtime sessions, the students can read, play chess, do colouring in, or play any other card games or board games they want to bring in from home, as long as the volume is kept low.
A reminder that all students in Years Prep to 4 must have a library bag to be able to borrow a book from the library.
I would like to ask you all to make sure your child keeps their library books in a safe place at home to avoid having an overdue book that cannot be found. The best place would be to return the book to their library bag when it is not being read.
Reading is not only important, it is vital for your child's growth and maturity. Please encourage your child to read everyday, no matter what they are reading. The more they read, the more confidence they will gain. The more confidence they gain, the better their performance at school. The better their performance at school, the greater opportunities they will have in life.
I have included an article on 10 Benefits of Reading Books. I hope you enjoy reading it.
Happy reading