Education in Faith

Year 3 Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is one of the Sacraments of healing and restoration. It celebrates the endlessly forgiving mercy of God and the change of heart of all those who turn back to God after sin. Many of our Year 3 students are well into the process of preparing to make their First Reconciliation later this term. The dates for preparation and celebrating this Sacrament are as follows:
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church:
Saturday 16th March - 4.30pm 2nd Preparation Session in the O’Connor/Pilkington Rooms followed by 6.00pm Mass Ritual in Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church
Monday 18th March - Reconciliation Reflection Day at Galilee School - 8.50am - 3.25pm
Saturday 23 March - 4.30pm 3rd Preparation Session in the O’Connor/Pilkington Rooms followed by 6.00pm Mass in Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church
Saturday 30 March - 4.30pm 4th Preparation Session in the O’Connor/Pilkington Rooms followed by 6.00pm Mass in Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church
Wednesday 3 April 2019 - 7.00pm Sacrament of Reconciliation - Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Middle Park.
Sts Peter and Paul Church:
Wednesday 13th March - 3:45pm-4:45pm 2nd Preparation Session in the Parish hall at Ss. Peter and Paul, South Melbourne
Monday 18th March - Reconciliation Reflection Day at Galilee School - 8.50 - 3.25pm
Wednesday 20th March - 3:45pm-4:45pm 3rd Preparation Session in the Parish hall at Ss. Peter and Paul, South Melbourne
Wednesday 27th March - 3:45pm-4:45pm 4th Preparation Session in the Parish hall at Ss. Peter and Paul, South Melbourne
Tuesday 2nd April 2019 - 7.00pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Ss Peter and Paul church, South Melbourne
Reconciliation Reflection Day at Galilee
On Monday 18th March students from Galilee, as well as students from within our two parishes who do not attend Galilee, will be participating in a Reconciliation Reflection Day. We will come together as an extended Parish Family to share our knowledge, deepen our understandings and have some fun together. The day has been organised by the staff at Galilee and will take place in the school hall. Students will be involved in rotational activities during the morning where they will work in mixed groups to share their understandings and deepen their knowledge. Students will participate in a liturgy and will also have the opportunity to discuss what it will be like when they celebrate this Sacrament for the first time. In the afternoon students will be working on the four steps to Reconciliation: Admitting wrong, Saying Sorry, Being Forgiven and Making Up (Being Reconciled).
We thank the Year 3 teachers, Leaders in Faith and Fr. Dean for planning what promises to be a fantastic day for our Year 3 students.
A Prayer for our Reconciliation Candidates
Loving God help us to teach our children
that you love us totally and unconditionally.
Help us to encourage our children to grow in love
and to learn how to say sorry, knowing that you always forgive.
Give us the courage to pray with our children
and to share our faith with them as we journey together.
St Patrick's Day
As part of Catholic Education Week, tomorrow the School Captains, Years 3-6 Social Justice Leaders, Tegan and myself will be attending Mass at the Cathedral to celebrate the Feast of St Patrick. Catholic schools across Victoria will be in attendance as part of Catholic Education Week. Mass will be celebrated by the new Arch Bishop, Peter Comensoli. Galilee students have been invited to participate in a special procession to mark the 25th anniversary of our school. Galilee first began as a amalgamated school in 1994. Following Mass, we will join the other schools in Treasury Gardens for celebrations. We look forward to a great day.
Stations of Cross
Students are in the process of learning about Lent and the events of Holy Week and Easter. On the last day of Term One, Friday April 5th, the whole school will present the Stations of the Cross in the Hall. It will be in a different format this year with classrooms creating a collective movie demonstrating each Station. It will start at 9:15am in the Hall and all families are invited to attend.
To conclude the last day, from 1:00-1:40pm, we will draw the Easter Egg Raffle on the Basketball Court, weather permitting.
Visiting Teachers from Thailand
On Tuesday 26 March, we will be hosting a small number of teachers who are visiting Catholic Education Melbourne as part of a study tour from the Faculty of St. Paul de Charters in Thailand. They will be visiting 6F, Year 5, 4C and 3L. They are keen to observe physical classroom settings and operational aspects, pedagogical practices and more broadly how the religious dimension is enacted in our schools.
Lent-Second week
As we are participating in Caritas Australia’s annual Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal, Project Compassion, we will be raising much needed funds and awareness for the world's poor to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity. This year the theme of Project Compassion is '100% Hope' and how lives change when we all give 100%. Through your generosity during Project Compassion this year, you are empowering people to build a just future for themselves, their families and their communities.
Each classroom has Project Compassion Box. We ask that you bring along any coins to donate to the Project Compassion Box. We will be collecting money throughout Lent. On the last day of Term One we will send all donated money to Caritas Australia. Thank you for your support. This newsletter we will learn from Tati in Indonesia.
Tati is a Dayak woman, living in a remote forest of West Kalimantan, Indonesia, with her husband and two of her three children.
Her two youngest children go to school nearby while her 19 year old son lives in a rented room close his school 60 kilometres away. The family pays for his living-away-from-home expenses, in addition to providing for school expenses.
Tati’s Dayak culture is deeply linked to the rainforest and her family has relied on it for sustenance for generations.
Over the last few years, communities which depend on the native forests have seen them shrink, along with vital habitats for endangered orangutans, rhinos and tigers.
Caritas Australia, with its partners Caritas Indonesia – KARINA and the Diocesan Caritas are working with local communities to develop alternative sustainable livelihoods, by training them in ecotourism activities.
Before Tati joined the Caritas program, she and her husband mainly earned their income from rubber tapping and raising chickens.
Now, Tati has increased her family income ten times over by cooking for tourists and making souvenirs. Her community is also developing a strong financial base so that it can manage its own land.
Around 600 people have directly benefitted from the program so far – with hopes it can be expanded to other districts
“I hope to continue living with fresh air, clear water, protected forest, and to be able to pay for my children’s education and that my grandchildren can still enjoy the forest.”
You can use the following link for more information: