Principal's Report

Staff Professional Development
I thank all families for last week to allow the staff two invaluable days of learning. It was the highest quality of professional learning I have attended and all facilitated by our own staff. Topics covered were:
- Smart Spelling (more information in Learning & Teaching section);
- I Can Statements in Religious Education and
- Learning Sprints
All of the above will lead to improved learning from our students. A number of staff led the sessions demonstrating a collaborative and professional culture among our staff.
Staff who led sessions were: Miss Cox, Miss Smith & Mrs Ferguson (Smart Spelling); Miss Smith, Mrs Latto & Miss Biggs (Learning Sprints); Mrs Rochecouste (Religious Education); Mrs Gerecke, Mr Martello, Mrs Orr, Mrs Ferris and myself facilitated other sessions. I'm confident that it will have a significant impact upon our school and was worth the planning and effort. We are strongly considering a similar format in 2020 with a different foci.
Open Morning Success
Our Open Morning yesterday was a huge success thanks to the many helpers who contributed. We had approximately 120 people visit Galilee.
A very big thanks to Brendan Coburn at The Agency for our marketing boards, Helen Di Natale for the design of the board, Miss Carnovale for her organisation of the morning and morning tea, Miss Biggs and School Captains (Ali & Alex) for facilitating the assembly, Year 5/6 students for outstanding tours and parents who volunteered time to set up/serve/clean up morning tea.
There is an extraordinarily high interest in attending Galilee for 2020 and they were all impressed by our school. Over the last two years we have seen more than a 100% increase in Prep enrolment applications from neighboring families, despite two new schools opening nearby.
Many commented on the 'student-led' assembly, the impressive student tours and learning in classrooms. Sometimes it is difficult to appreciate what we have when we don't have the ability to compare. I have seen a number of other schools and know that our community compares favourably to others. We will always strive to improve but families visiting other schools note the significant differences when visiting Galilee.
Prep 2019 Interviews
This week we began interviews with siblings of current students for Prep 2020. It has been a joy getting to know our future students and we look forward to meeting more of next year's Preps in Term Two.
Ride to School Day
On March 22nd, families are encouraged to ride to school. Please see the link below from Bicycle Network on safety tips.
Catholic Education Week
In Catholic Education Week and we have two students' work (William Y and Milly Mc) being displayed at the Catholic Leadership Centre, 576 Victoria Parade East Melbourne, over the coming weekend. It is well worth going to view the wonderful works from many Catholic Primary and Secondary Schools.
We also have students attending St Patrick's Day Mass and festivities with Mrs Rochecouste and Tegan this Friday.
Year 5 Camp
Next Tuesday to Friday our Year 5 students will enjoy their week at Merricks Lodge with myself, Ms Rochecouste, Miss Bland, Miss Biggs and Tegan. All medication at the school office will be taken to camp but if students require any night/morning medication that is not stored at the school already, please bring this to Tegan on the morning of camp from 8-8.30am in a plastic bag with named medication, dosage and times to be given. The students will be participating in some unique water-based activities such as: surfing, canoeing, snorkelling and rafting. Each activity will be supervised by qualified camp and Galilee staff. Prior to each camp, all staff attending discuss any risks and make preparations to ensure the safety of the students.
Community Conversation
Last year we held a 'Community Conversation' where school data was shared with parents who then provided feedback and suggestions. It was an invaluable session that has supported many new initiatives in 2019. A feedback session was planned for Monday March 18, to be facilitated by myself and Miss Carnovale, to report on the initiatives but due to a low response it has been cancelled. Our next 'Community Conversation' will be held on May 30 (on Parent Calendar) and we hope to have a large amount of parents in attendance. Feedback from last year's session is published in a Google Document below. Please note that you will only be able to access if you have a Google account,
Extra-Curricula Activities
In 2019 we have a number of continued and new extra curricula activities being held by staff and they include:
Activity | Day | Who |
Art | Thursday | Miss Bamford & Miss Burke |
Maths Olympiad | Tuesday | Miss Bland & Sandra |
ICT | Tuesday | Mr Coaley |
Choir | Wednesday | Miss Carnovale & Miss Giles |
Kitchen Garden | Thursday | Miss Fahy & Miss Evans |
SRC | Monday | Miss Coome & Annmaree |
Principal Conference
I will be away with other Victorian Catholic Principals on a conference in Lorne from March 26-29. Mrs Gerecke and Mr Martello will be at school in my absence. Some of the topics covered will be:
- Primary Schools in Changing Times: Understanding and responding to the generational trends now and towards 2030;
- Purpose, Connection and Performance -
- getting the best from your team;
- Evolving Technology, Advancing Societies, & Our Upcoming
- Superhuman Generations.
Reporting Late or Absent Students
So all children are accounted for, it is vital for parents to call our office, 96992928, by 9am if your child will be late (any time after 8.50am) or absent from school. Leave your message on the absent line stating your child's name, class, absent or late and reason. Please do not send a Dojo or email to the class teacher as they are not always there to mark the roll. Parents will receive an email if the school is unaware of a child's absence or lateness.
School Photos
School Photos will take place on Wednesday 27th March. Order envelopes from The School Photographer will be sent home once we receive them. These envelopes are to come back to school on photo day not before with your order and payment.
Simon Millar
(Principal of Galilee)