Middle School

Art and Design.

The Art and Design elective have been looking at architecture this term. 

The students have had the opportunity to look at architecture through the ages and modern architecture. 

Students have created some great artistic sculptures of important buildings using different mediums such as clay and aluminium foil. They have also had the opportunity to demonstrate their own creativity by creating a house plan, an ideal tree cubby house and for the whimsical a fairy house.


Learning never exhausts the mind.

Leonardo da Vinci, (1452-1519)

Japanese University Students Visit

On Tuesday 26 March our school hosted a visit from a group of Japanese university students that was organised by UNE. They were treated to some Aussie morning tea provided by our hospitality students then visited our Japanese classroom and shared their origami skills. At the Ag farm they loved holding the baby chicks. Finally they met our Kindergarten class who gave the students school pens and wristbands to remember their visit.

We received this feedback from the organiser:  Thank you for having the Chubu group at your school, they really enjoyed it. We got really good feedback about the visit which is great. It's very worthwhile for the Japanese students to see inside an Australian school and be able to observe Australian students, teachers and classes.  Thanks again.  From Sophie.


Uralla Waterworks Excursion.

This week Years 5/6 homeroom classes visited the Uralla Waterworks and Uralla Wastewater Treatment Plant. The students found it to be a very interesting and informative time, once they recovered from a few unpleasant odours. They were surprised to learn that algae smelt like dead fish and the chemical processes involved in cleaning the dam water to make it suitable for human consumption.

They are very grateful to Mr Luke Andrews for organising such a great educational experience and to Mr Paul Byrne for showing them around and teaching them how Uralla gets it's clean tap water and how waste from their bathrooms, kitchens and laundries is cleaned and redeposited into the creek.