Around The School

Operation Art.


Ready to Learn.

A reminder to all students to come to all classes READY TO LEARN. That includes having all the right equipment for learning.

In Maths classes the equipment that all students will need is as follows:

  • ​A scientific calculator - $21 from the school office.
  • Lead pencils x2
  • A ruler
  • A workbook
  • Geometry set (optional)

We are strongly advising all students to organise these items ASAP.

If assistance is required for some of these items students are encouraged to speak to Mr Rathborne.


Exchange Student Program.

Next Whole School Assembly.


Out of Hours School Care.

I am excited to provide the following announcement from Judy Elks, my colleague Principal at St Joseph’s Uralla, in relation to ‘Before and After School Care’. You will be aware that we have worked closely to get such a facility for Uralla and I congratulate Judy on her efforts in this regard. I know the amount of effort she has put in once we discovered that there were no private providers available for a government schools. Having said that both the State government and the State Opposition have made statements that post the election they will be providing ‘Before and After School Care’ at all schools.  Michael Rathbourne.


School Photo Day - 1 & 2 April.


Bus Travel Information - Edwards Coaches.

I am writing to advise that the moratorium for buses will stop on Friday 29 March.

From Monday 1 April students who catch in town buses including Uralla 1 and Uralla 2 must present a bus pass or a fare of $1.00 for the Armidale area or $3.00 for Uralla will be charged.

Parents have had the past 8 weeks to apply for a bus pass.  James - Edwards Coaches.


Surviving Your Adolescents


Celebration of Cedric

This week our Year 7 students completed their first ‘paddock to plate’ meal where they produced and harvested the majority of the food from the school farm.

Mrs Upjohn’s Year 7 Technology Mandatory class have been busy in the vegetable gardens. They have been growing and harvesting a variety of summer crops including heirloom and common tomatoes, corn, herbs, beans and peas. Mr Smith was the 3rd teacher to join the team for our paddock to plate themed unit of work. He help convert the 56kg school-bred lamb ‘Cedric’ into useable meat. Mrs Taylor’s Yr 7 Technology class then created over 70 Cedric sliders/burgers for the students. These students also made their own dessert from harvested blackberries. These were made into a delicious ice cream and blackberry sauce. This was served between 2 pikelets to create Blackberry Ice cream Slammers.

The Academy Hospitality class then created a Massaman Curry, Slow Cooker curry and a Middle Eastern Lamb Tart for a staff lunch and was used as a catering assessment for their course.

Students from various years across the school had the opportunity to learn how to bone the lamb, create mince and butterfly shoulders as well as how to produce mass quantities of food in a production line.

All this could not have been done without the hard work of all the students involved, Mrs Taylor, Mr Smith and Mrs Upjohn.

We look forward to creating something in the next semester based around winter vegetable crops.